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Trainerlevel: 9

Trainerpoints: 207/251


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Maractus373,165 / 4,219
Cottonee27403 / 2,269
Illumise353,253 / 4,639
Liepard2814 / 2,437
Shuckle401,825 / 4,790
Gastrodon (East)37238 / 4,219


uhhh my name is nat im 18 and im a big ol lesbian if u wanna trade or anything hmu also feel free to ask for my discord

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


natodiangelo hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #293696883
Registration: 27/12/2018 (5 Years ago)
Game Time: 5:11 Hours
Total interactions: 2,770
Money: 2,659
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


hmm anyone wanna send me some pokedollars lol
5 Years ago
how the hell does this game work lmao
5 Years ago


Last Action
Sending a Pokémon on a Rumble Mission (5 Years ago)


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Karpie29 5 Years ago

Last Visitors

SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 22:59
Karpie29Fri, 26/Feb/2021, 02:01
Butterfly123Sun, 30/Dec/2018, 04:39
SordwardFri, 28/Dec/2018, 18:52
SINnabonFri, 28/Dec/2018, 04:57