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Trainerlevel: 35

Trainerpoints: 2,532/3,709


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Gastly15 / 9


If you need a shiny Pokemon for dex completion, please pp/pm me. The starter fee is 25k, and each shiny is worth 5k. Every shiny mega is worth 10k a piece. The options are limited, so they are first come, first serve. If you are a friend of mine, you get a half-price special.

Regular- Starting fee=25k
Every shiny=5k
Every shiny mega=7.5k

Friend discount- Starting fee=12.5k
Every shiny=2.5k
Every shiny mega=3.5k

Items are also accepted under technicalities; (ex. If you just started in the game and have a rare item, you can exchange that for a hunt.

Forum thread for shop: shop-https://pokeheroes.com/forum_thread.php?id=98863&post=3181734#3181734

Other Hunters, mudskipper17, Nabbit, User56551664 (SHOP OWNER: ALL REQUESTS GO THROUGH THEM)

Cosmog Shiny hunt progress:

I ned about 100 nebula stones for a Cosmog Shiny hunt, I am buying them from any1 for 5k pd a piece send me a Private trade with one and I will start to shiny hunt Cosmog after 100!


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
mltdwn2011 3 Days ago
mltdwn2011 23 Days ago
mltdwn2011 23 Days ago
mltdwn2011 24 Days ago

Shiny Hunt

mltdwn2011 is currently hunting Gastly.
Hunt started: 16/03/2025

Chain: 87
0 1 0

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


mltdwn2011 hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #806937522
Registration: 09/09/2024 (6 Months ago)
Time Played: 132:36 Hours
Total interactions: 1,751,190
Money: 54,836
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


Zapdos (Retro) egg, does it break your chain?
Yesterday, 22:09
You push the gold key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look into it curiously...

1x Enigma Pearl found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.
2 Days ago

You push the gold key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look into it curiously...

12x Nugget found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.
2 Days ago
Ooh, shiny apple plushie!!!!!
3 Days ago

I have been feeling much happier lately than ever before after adopting a kitten which cured my sadness entirely, so I have decided that I should host a giveaway. To simply participate Like this feed and comment your favourite animal. The prizes are listed below.

1st Position: 150k PD.

2nd Position: 100 water gems.

3rd Position: 70 flying gems.

The winners will be announced tomorrow evening [Server time] . It might take me a little more time tho due to my work. Still I will try to announce the winners as soon as I can. I know it's not much but I will host more giveaways in the future. The winner will be generated by spinning a wheel , So Good luck! :)
3 Days ago
By Bambii - 1 Hour and 26 Minutes ago.
Okay so, imma start a hashtag to help me out,

You can only enter ONCE by hearting this feed (sharing it is out of kindess)

End of premium is creeping up, I'm selling 4 shiny megas

Shiny mega Gyrados
Shiny mega Beedrill
Shiny mega Pidgeot
Shiny mega Pinir

Once all 4 are sold, there will be a giveaway, for a chance to have me hunt a Shiny Mega of your choice (excluding events and legends) with a free mega stone

As always, I use wheel of names to select a winner AAAAND I got my imgur back so I can post the screenshot with it (this made me super happy)

Have a great day!!!

5 Days ago
5 Days ago
I got a mega able gastly already...
8 Days ago
By Libbey - 9 Hours and 57 Minutes ago.
So I'm in need of gems and I want a shiny Rayquaza plushie, therefore: #LibbeyIsSendingPlushiesNo2

Rewards - Plushies worth of:
#1 2000 PD
#2 1500 PD
#3 1000 PD

1. Heart the original feed.
2. Share the whole feed.
3. Comment what plushie/s would you like to get if you win, on the original feed.
(link to the profile with original feed: https://pokeheroes.com/userprofile?name=Libbey)

Please, be mindful of the PD limit for each place when typing what plushies you want!
You can also click star on the plushies to add them to your favorite, it’ll make it easier for me to send you plushies, especially if there’s a lot of them.

ENDS by March 22
11 Days ago
You push the black key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look into it curiously...

1x New Moon Island (Map) found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.

:O My luck keeps getting better and better.
13 Days ago
I'm going to hunt what ever comes out of this egg from the lab!
16 Days ago
What legend hunt should I try? Comment it and heart it if you like a certain hunt that was already said.
16 Days ago
What does LF mean? (GTS)
16 Days ago
Please interact with the Mega Latias in my party so I can send it on the Vortex of time mission to get Dialga! ( and yes, it is up for sale after I use it for the mission)
16 Days ago
I just realized I have 123 hours on this game. And the professor rowan npc (which has been around since the beginning of the game) has about 143 hours :O
16 Days ago
You push the brown key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look into it curiously...

1x Enigma Pearl found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.

16 Days ago
If Enamorus is worth 600k in its regular forme, then how much is it in the Therian Forme? it doesn't say on market insider.
16 Days ago
I'm putting this out there rn if anyone needs any of my pokemon, pp/pm me and I will sell it to you for the suggested market price (PD and Nugs only, anything else will be blocked)
18 Days ago


Last Action
Storing Pokémon (4 Hours ago)

Last Visitors

Blazecat1Today, 01:12
Ai-HoshinoYesterday, 12:09
Espy2015Yesterday, 11:55
IqracookieYesterday, 01:12
LuminaraFri, 28/Mar/2025, 18:25