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Trainerlevel: 20

Trainerpoints: 998/1,219


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
(Giga Orbeetle)
35527,984 / 379,141
Power-Up Mushroom
(Super Shroom)
226175,995 / 446,330
(Super Breloomio)
239585,707 / 796,165
(Heat Rotom)
473667,093 / 672,607

Training Centre

Click here for luck on your next coin flip!
Chance, Neko & Lucky (From L to R)

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕮𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝕮𝖗𝖚𝖘𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖘


(Scroll down, there’s more at the bottom!)


By -FruitCakes-

By UnderDelta


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Celebier 12 Hours ago
Yanpro 1 Day ago
champ1509 2 Days ago
HyperBeam 3 Days ago

Game Records

Trainer ID: #167005357
Registration: 09/01/2024 (1 Year ago)
Time Played: 190:32 Hours
Total interactions: 69,616
Money: 40,322
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


Someone just sent me the funniest anon valentines card and i’m dying from laughter rn😭😭

roses are red violets are red oh no!the garden is on fire!

whoever wrote this pls show yourself cuz you deserve an award
Yesterday, 09:06
Charcadet doodles :)


Should i do Armarogue or Ceruledge next? Vote in the comments
2 Days ago
*recieves anonymous valentines card*

Gee i wonder what they wrote inside!!

*opens card*


3 Days ago
When you see that one pro player who blocked you a year ago because you were “lowballing” him in your newbie days auctioning off his pokemon for quadruple the price💀💀💀
4 Days ago
Guess who finally finished up that Eiscue commish



5 Days ago
Guess who just wasted their remaining 70k pd on a shiny tarountula (I'm still 8k pd in debt help)
5 Days ago
Wakes up:

Sees drama:

*sips tea*

Proceeds to go back to trying to draw Eiscue (RAHSISJWODHSJDKDK SOMEONE HELP ME😭😭😭)
8 Days ago
Sass-pocolypse was fun while it lasted, now time for me to go back to straining my fingers trying to draw eiscue 🥲
12 Days ago
Since so many people joined my last giveaway I'ma do another one rn. Heart the original message by me aka LiamTheGoat and share this entire post/feed. This giveaway ends February 9th and I'm giving away 123 nuggets. Good luck :)
13 Days ago
Since the art orders i’ve been getting after coming back online have skyrocketed, i’m considering starting up a new art shop! Thoughts?
13 Days ago
To everyone who has ordered art from me:

Sup y'all, quick update on the art, I might or might not have lost my stylus (again) so you guys might get a delay on the art you ordered, sorry for the inconvenience caused ;-;

Also here's the queue for those who have ordered. If you're lower on the queue please be patient with me since I have many commissions to work on before I start on yours, thanks!

1. Cyndagod (65% complete)
2. Puggy~ (still figuring out how to draw eiscue💀💀)
3.PercyJackson~ (still struggling to draw a decent looking face)
4. ShatteredDiamond (came with the gts purchase)
5. DuneShifter (free doodles)

19 Days ago
3 super shroom eggs in the span of 2 days, keep it coming rng gods 🤑🤑🙏🙏
23 Days ago
Update on the Super Shroom shortage:

It seems the rng gods have heard my prayers and FINALLY sent a super shroom egg coming my way. Guess im not committing any war crimes tonight 😀
24 Days ago
Chat i can’t do this any longer

54 Shroomish.

5 4 .



Idk if this is normal but this is THE LONGEST interval i’ve had for getting a super shroom.

At this point its as if the super shrooms have went on a hiatus to learn how to improve their shiny rates or something

Maybe this is revenge. Payback directed at me for leaving pokeheroes for 1 year. But do i deserve this? I think not. I’m going insane. If the count reaches to 100 shroomish eggs in a row, i’m quite literally going to give away everything my account has to offer.
25 Days ago
Does anyone else bid the total amount of pd the other guy has to assert dominance or is it just me
27 Days ago
Funny story:

A few days ago otw to school, i came across what seemed to be a guy wearing my school uniform and a middle aged woman with yellow dyed hair standing in the middle of the pathway.

I then realised it was one of my classmates and he had a pretty serious look on him face. At that point i decided to shoot him a “good luck” look and rushed to the train station (i was running late).

When i reached school, i decided to ask him what was up. Turns out that was his mom and he got caught by her for not tucking in his school uniform. Bro got lectured for a solid 5 minutes and missed the train💀💀💀
27 Days ago
Should i increase the price of my art?
I’ve had tons of people telling me its too cheap and that its worth more but at the same time i want it to be kinda affordable…

Any suggestions?
1 Month ago

About Me

Just a chill guy who thinks he’s Nabbit from Mario. I’m extra social so don’t be scared of dropping me a pp or pm if you wanna chat! Oh yea I do art too. Crappy art, but it’s still art.

Wanna buy my crappy art? Just check out the link below ⬇️


Shiny Hunt

Nabbit is currently hunting Super Shroom.
Hunt started: 02/02/2024

Chain: 43

Last Visitors

Espy2015Today, 15:56
CelebierToday, 15:50
~Yanma~Today, 15:20
MaguroToday, 15:11
User56551664Today, 14:51