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Trainerlevel: 3

Trainerpoints: 4/29


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Torterra6011,156 / 11,462

About Me

He is known by the name of Normand and this man totally digs that address. https://marcinbrzeszzcyk.wixsite.com/norethisterone/2. He works as a reservation and transportation ticket agent but he's already applied for another one. To canoe is what she does every week. Years ago we gone to live in Massachusetts.

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


maattsoul158 hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #914387709
Registration: 20/03/2018 (6 Years ago)
Game Time: 0:03 Hours
Total interactions: 0
Money: 2,600
Starter Pokémon: Torterra


maattsoul158 hasn't posted any feeds so far.


Last Action
Editing country settings (6 Years ago)

Last Visitors

SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 22:45
TenkoChabashiraThu, 07/Jun/2018, 05:17
ImWar10rdHDMon, 26/Mar/2018, 07:26