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Trainerlevel: 10

Trainerpoints: 247/309


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Boldore515,249 / 8,103
Noctowl513,234 / 7,957
Floatzel473,190 / 6,769
Vivillon506,285 / 7,651
Pichu53273 / 8,587
Woobat524,968 / 8,269


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Astari 8 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
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Set #4


koaru1994 hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #752379094
Registration: 05/06/2016 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 16:07 Hours
Total interactions: 10,934
Money: 2,836
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


If only we could see the lv of our lives it will be more fun don't you think?

Ça serait tellement plus amusant si, dans nos vies, on arriverait à voir nos niveaux. Qu'en penses-tu?
8 Years ago


Last Action
Reading the news (8 Years ago)

Last Visitors

SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 22:35
LeoTheLionTue, 16/Jan/2018, 20:55
TheRedGalFri, 25/Aug/2017, 18:18
AstariThu, 15/Dec/2016, 12:50
~~~~Tue, 30/Aug/2016, 12:54