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Steel Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 10

Trainerpoints: 56/309


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Mightyena1057,684 / 33,391
Swanna10123,514 / 30,907
Sawk1036,335 / 32,137
Mothim10526,869 / 33,391
Komala9018,914 / 30,714


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Newest gifts
MegaSteelixSupreme 7 Years ago
Arashi_Kitsune 7 Years ago
JosipM 7 Years ago
Jackytee 7 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


alicia50 hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #385864753
Registration: 02/04/2017 (7 Years ago)
Game Time: 17:31 Hours
Total interactions: 10,038
Money: 2,411
Starter Pokémon: Piplup


I found 15 eggs but no more and I think they are in the places I haven't unlocked yet
6 Years ago
I've checked every where except the places that I haven't unlocked and only found 12 what can I do?
6 Years ago
I found 12 eggs and went through ever forum page
6 Years ago
I found 5 but can't find any more yet!
6 Years ago
i forgot wht to do on here i havent been on since last year can some one help me
6 Years ago
Hey i haven't been on in a long long time so im a little rust soo
6 Years ago
good night everbody
7 Years ago
what is the top 10 original pokemon?
7 Years ago
7 Years ago
welcome Fahad_Khawaja
7 Years ago
how many easter eggs do we have to get to get a prize?
7 Years ago
should i give up on the easter egg hunt i only have 4 eggs!!
7 Years ago
I cant find any ugh...
7 Years ago
going to bed going tobed ill try again tomorrow
7 Years ago

send back please(:
7 Years ago

please send this back to me thanks (:(:
7 Years ago
does anybody have any ideas on whitch game is the easiest?
7 Years ago



Last Action
Browsing through notifications (6 Years ago)

Last Visitors

SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 21:39
TonyPandaSat, 23/Jan/2021, 06:05
ThatGuyFri, 15/Jan/2021, 12:16
SuvichanMon, 18/May/2020, 05:29
NekoScrubTue, 14/Apr/2020, 18:27