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Trainerlevel: 13

Trainerpoints: 80/519


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Newest gifts
Professor Rowan 8 Years ago
Konpaku 8 Years ago
RayeMichelle 8 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


WhiteDragonEmperor hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #979930894
Registration: 11/09/2016 (8 Years ago)
Time Played: 22:01 Hours
Total interactions: 11,720
Money: 25,362
Starter Pokémon: Infernape


No one likes me ;-; ;-; *sobs in the corner*
8 Years ago
Any Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rps or someone thinking of making one?
8 Years ago
Any Pokemon Mystery Dungeon that are active and accepting??
8 Years ago
What is the use of Shoal Shell and Shoal Salt??
8 Years ago
Sail Fossil caught! YAY! :D
8 Years ago
How to get volcanion?
8 Years ago
8 Years ago
12 eggs hatched!

1, Share #ArgentisHatchfest and send only 100pd to Argentis (Delibird Delivery Fee, tips unnecessary)
2, Warm my eggs! +1 entry per hatched egg that you interact with
3, 10 random gems = +1 entry
4, Your entries are doubled when you feed Scarlett (ValleryP's Rowan Quest). Must post proof of berry-feeding for this to be eligible!

Prizes: 12 eggs = 23 gem bags
13 eggs = 25 gem bags
14 eggs = 27gem bags, etc.

Deadline: reset (18ish hrs)

You are training with Scarlett for a while.
You concentrate especially on its Special Defense.

The Pokémon raised by 2,536 Exp. Points.
8 Years ago
I hav 44 dream points first comment with the poke mentioned gets tht plushie(it shud be under 44 dream points)
8 Years ago
You obtained a new badge (Unknowing Daycare Owner)!
8 Years ago
By Argentis - 8 Seconds ago.
9 eggs hatched!

1, Share #ArgentisHatchfest and send 100pd to Argentis (Delibird Delivery Fee)
2, Warm my eggs! +1 entry per hatched egg that you interact with
3, 10 random gems = +1 entry

Prizes: 9 eggs = 17 gem bags
10 eggs = 20 gem bags
11 eggs = 22 gem bags, etc.

Deadline: reset (11.5 hrs)
8 Years ago
By Argentis - 3 Hours and 55 Minutes ago.
2 eggs hatched!

1, Share #ArgentisHatchfest and send 100pd to Argentis (Delibird Delivery Fee)
2, Warm my eggs! +1 entry per hatched egg that you interact with
3, 10 random gems = +1 entry

Prizes: 2 eggs = 3 gem bags
3 eggs = 5 gem bags
4 eggs = 7 gems, etc.

Deadline: reset (22 hrs)
8 Years ago
By Argentis - 2 Minutes and 4 Seconds ago.
2 eggs hatched!

1, Share #ArgentisHatchfest and share what you think can make this raffle better in the post (or comments)
2, Warm my eggs! +1 entry per hatched egg that you interact with
3, 10 random gems = +1 entry

Prizes: 1 egg = single x5 gem bag
2 eggs = 3 gem bags
3 eggs = 5 gem bags, etc.

Deadline: reset (11 hrs)
8 Years ago
You obtained a new badge (Trainer)!
8 Years ago
Selling 3 rare candies 5k each(according to price check but negotiable)
8 Years ago
How to get a shadow mewtwo?
8 Years ago
By Argentis - 1 Hour and 19 Minutes ago.
x2 day special; 11 eggs hatched!

For every egg hatched, I'll raffle out three x5 gem bags (exceptions listed in comments).

1, Share #ArgentisHatchfest and request what type of gems you'd like to find in your gem bag (if you win one, that is)
2, Warm my eggs! +1 ticket per hatched egg you interact with (proof unnecessary)
3, 10 random gems = +1 ticket
4, PalPad me a pick-up line, if I like it = +5 tickets (try to be original)

Deadline: reset (18 hrs)

(Fire/Electric Gems)
8 Years ago
By Argentis - 5 Hours and 7 Minutes ago.
5 eggs hatched!

1, Share #ArgentisHatchfest
2, Warm my eggs! +1 entry per hatched egg that you interact with
3, Guess what my (Argentis) biggest pet-peeve in PH is and PM that answer to me (+10 entries if correct)
4, 10 random gems = +1 entry

Prizes: 5 eggs = 10 gem bags
6 eggs = 12 gem bags
7 eggs = 15 gem bags, etc.

Deadline: reset (21 hrs)
8 Years ago
By Argentis - 1 Hour and 9 Minutes ago.
6 eggs hatched!

1, Share #ArgentisHatchfest with your favourite animal in the post and least favourite Pokemon in the comments of that post--your inclusion in the raffle depends on these!
2, Warm my eggs! x1 entry per hatched egg that you interact with
3, Send me 10 random gems = +1 entry

Prizes: 6 eggs = 12 gem bags
7 eggs = 15 gem bags
8 eggs = 18 gem bags, etc.

Deadline: reset (12 hrs)
8 Years ago


Last Action
Browsing through notifications (8 Years ago)

Last Visitors

XiveLightningTue, 18/Jul/2023, 02:08
_Jeevanshu_VinayakSat, 04/Mar/2023, 06:25
Professor_isaacThu, 27/Jan/2022, 09:10
Nokia_5Tue, 23/Mar/2021, 07:31
CyndaquilLuvsVan_HalenSat, 20/Oct/2018, 06:53