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Trainerlevel: 7

Trainerpoints: 13/153


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
11843,201 / 47,097
Swanna715,896 / 15,337
Poliwhirl7512,151 / 18,356
Eelektrik6213,576 / 14,649
Gyarados9325,399 / 32,784
Ampharos847,117 / 23,271

About Me


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Xenotticus 6 Years ago
LavaForevah 6 Years ago
LavaForevah 6 Years ago
Magicalazure 6 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


TheGlacieCookiez hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #603768402
Registration: 14/02/2018 (6 Years ago)
Game Time: 2:50 Hours
Total interactions: 116
Money: 24,520
Starter Pokémon: Samurott


2 things
The way I’ll be picking is a bit different... since I’m too lazy to put every single name in a generator, I’ll be using a random number generator. The way I’ll be doing that is by picking a number 1-HowManyPagesThereAre, and then 1-MaxPostsPerPage to pick. I’ll go to the page, and then count from top to bottom until I reach the number. The last number will be the person who wins the prize. I’ll record this and upload this on my channel for proof.

2nd thing. If you don’t message me or respond to mine if you won after a few days, I WILL pick a different winner. There is only one acception to this right now, and if there’s another one, message me.

You can share dis one 2 ye
6 Years ago
Gud Mornin'~
6 Years ago
Hey guys :D
6 Years ago
Ummmm just realised that there are like the "popular pros" and "nubs" of PokeHeroes.

Some pros are like....Argentis,Jirachi (I hope I got those names right *-*)
Ummm,most of this game is like the nubs I think including me?
Like 75 percent. :v
6 Years ago
Damn those fireworks were pretty neat!
6 Years ago
Im back~
I was having an eye infection ;-;
6 Years ago
To:Lava >;3

Oooh-oh, oooh-woh
Oooh-oh, oooh-woh

You say you love me, I say you crazy
We're nothing more than friends
You're not my lover, more like a brother
I known you since we were like ten, yeah

Don't mess it up, talking that shoot
Only gonna push me away, that's it!
When you say you love me, that make me crazy
Here we go again
6 Years ago
Im back after 3 days of being busy
6 Years ago

Ayy sup guys,This is a pretty random idea ye?
Just bringing back the dead ol' mighty Hero chat back?

Some of us have memories still locked in Hero chat and some of us just want to see that magic of talking in Hero chat!

So why not bring the dead back?If we share this enough we could get Riako to make a new thing called a "Disk Jockey rank" which could be a rank which can select any [[appropriate]] song which they like or be requested to play~

Share this feed or Hashtag to bring back Hero chat and make it better that ever~
We need a lot of help to get this thing going~

And I might hold up some Hero nights/mornings for you folks ~
(To be informed of these nights I will simply put the hashtag and say "There is a Hero night/morning going on now~)
6 Years ago
And yes it is my hobby to just peep into all of my friends accounts as soon as I get here owo
6 Years ago
Sorry I was not on for so long ;o;
I had extra classes in school and ended up coming home late becuz my mom came late to pick me up~
6 Years ago
6 Years ago
By Badges Report - 3 Minutes and 18 Seconds ago.
You obtained a new badge (Rumbling Rookie)!

<3 awww it is so pretty
6 Years ago
Most of my Pokemon have evolved owo
6 Years ago
I have a new Profile pic,
Yay xwx
6 Years ago
I have an Alolan Pokemon from the begining :D
6 Years ago
H-Hi >////<
6 Years ago


Last Action
Browsing through notifications (6 Years ago)

Last Visitors

TailmonThu, 29/Apr/2021, 14:39
QuazWed, 23/Dec/2020, 14:05
LuckyLadyThu, 08/Oct/2020, 20:01
Vladimir_PutinWed, 17/Jun/2020, 04:57
~LoneWolfTue, 19/May/2020, 09:01