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Poison Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 8

Trainerpoints: 2/199


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Hippowdon442,388 / 7,426
Staravia331,796 / 3,135
Budew291,896 / 2,349

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


SonicTDM hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #362000921
Registration: 17/07/2018 (6 Years ago)
Game Time: 3:58 Hours
Total interactions: 152
Money: 1,861
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


Can anyone trade me litten or froakie, they are my favorite starters and i always do great with them in any pokemon game
6 Years ago
whats with the celibi symbol with the X2 next to it?
6 Years ago
help me hatch eggs plz, been level 5 for too long
6 Years ago
check in my box, and if you see something you want, message me and i will tell you if it is avaliable
6 Years ago
put vaniluxe up for auction, level one, starting bid is 1$
6 Years ago
If someone could trade me helioptile, that would be great
6 Years ago
i can use some help hatching my eggs, found one i want in lab
6 Years ago
What level do you need to be to unlock everything?
6 Years ago
i have gastly in auction, anyone can take, level 2
6 Years ago
how exactly do you get the trainer points needed to level up and do more stuff???
6 Years ago


Last Action
Visiting Prof. Rowan (4 Years ago)

Last Visitors

~Bunny_Lord~Sun, 30/Jul/2023, 03:11
InvaderZimFan153Wed, 25/Jul/2018, 04:06
CjNazzyWed, 18/Jul/2018, 03:36
TurlexdahoneWed, 18/Jul/2018, 01:46
KinishakaWed, 18/Jul/2018, 00:54