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Trainerlevel: 6

Trainerpoints: 35/113


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Charizard8822,469 / 25,641
Graveler1004,319 / 33,446
Gardevoir7315,830 / 20,259
Staryu6711,754 / 17,086
Machoke758,582 / 18,356

About Me

You can just call me Solos, I am 23 & loved 1st & 2nd gen pokemon & my favorite is Lugia because of that one day buying the pokemon trading cards, I took a chance & got a Lugia card with some other decent cards. Ever since then I loved pokemon even more.


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Spinda 7 Years ago
MikeyMikeMike 7 Years ago
Shyrenia666 7 Years ago
emckirby 7 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Solosdragon hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #301289779
Registration: 14/08/2016 (7 Years ago)
Game Time: 12:00 Hours
Total interactions: 1,861
Money: 6,644
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


Thanks everyone for the plushies.
7 Years ago


Last Action
Browsing through notifications (7 Years ago)

Last Visitors

MangozBakaTue, 03/Apr/2018, 21:59
Dark_MagicMon, 26/Dec/2016, 04:44
~Ruka_Shimizu~Thu, 15/Dec/2016, 15:26
EliktrasWed, 07/Dec/2016, 13:21
ThisSwagNameIsTAKENFri, 18/Nov/2016, 15:24