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Trainerlevel: 14

Trainerpoints: 23/601


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Dedenne521,290 / 8,269
Gastrodon (West)496,321 / 7,351
Buneary51975 / 7,957
Eelektrik42706 / 6,774
Rapidash48967 / 7,057
Amoonguss473,584 / 6,769


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Newest gifts
lotus75 7 Years ago
Kharn 7 Years ago
Pengu 7 Years ago
MysticalDarkBird 7 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


SilverWolfLove hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #708553970
Registration: 03/10/2016 (7 Years ago)
Game Time: 11:25 Hours
Total interactions: 2,559
Money: 16,058
Starter Pokémon: Sceptile


when your feeding your baby and end up also getting a plushie lmaoXD
7 Years ago
Please help me hatch my eggs!
they contain rockruff.
I have 5 more in daycare.
first three rockruff eggs to hatch will go to three random winners.

I will be Auctioning the rest starting at 2000pd
please comment below with proof!!


7 Years ago

So Zathis got 750+ comments on the feed and an extra 500+ added on so there will be giving out 5 extra things

So everyday after reset for a whole month someone who shared this will be getting something random from shinies to boxes/keys to gems to anything and no one will know what they are until someone wins

All you have to do is share this

7 Years ago
By unirainbowkitty
Hi guys! I have decided to quit pokeheroes and this time for GOOD!
I have many things to give away and I will do so in this raffle! I will be taking everything from my whole entire account and giving them away!
Each day there will be 3 winners, each getting either a pokemon, items or currency!
Good luck! To enter just repost the hashtag! I will miss you all!
7 Years ago
HOLY MOLEY!!! I think I just got a unknown through the lab
7 Years ago



Last Action
Visiting Prof. Rowan (5 Years ago)

Last Visitors

littlerrolFri, 20/Oct/2017, 15:55
RalseiWed, 01/Feb/2017, 22:17
PenguMon, 30/Jan/2017, 17:08
AbsborSun, 29/Jan/2017, 15:39
SakuraWolf23Thu, 26/Jan/2017, 22:00