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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 29

Trainerpoints: 2,297/2,551


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Emboar318191,125 / 355,737
White Kyurem20312,115 / 155,296
Charizard678,795 / 14,478
Skorupi371,889 / 5,274
Raticate465,402 / 6,487
Altaria361,362 / 4,103


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Newest gifts
Ankaa 3 Months ago
Shadowplay 5 Months ago
Shadowplay 5 Months ago
Shadowplay 5 Months ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Shade_star hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #323418071
Registration: 14/01/2024 (6 Months ago)
Game Time: 28:34 Hours
Total interactions: 903,487
Money: 370,975
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


just bought premium account....what r the pros?
5 Months ago
. Please tell me you are KIDDING ME!
And you call yourself a good trainer? Get out of my daycare, now.
You may retry after 15 minutes, but first I need to calm down.

Which dragon type pokemon to choose?
5 Months ago
which pokemon do i choose as favourite dragon type in daycare for raylong hunt?
5 Months ago
What's the highest number of bug you've caught?
5 Months ago
Any tips on making some money online? #Universitylifeisbroke
5 Months ago
INteraction made 5.9k...1 kyurem pulshie
5 Months ago
11k interaction and 2 kyurem eggs already....crazy!!
5 Months ago
I have 3 dark blue mystery box and 3 golden mystery box for sale.....pd me if interested to buy
6 Months ago
You push the dark blue key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...

20x Normal Gem found!

The key breaks and becomes useless
6 Months ago
exams! exams! exams! TT
6 Months ago
You have 999,999 Game Chips at the moment........lol
6 Months ago
whats the difference between pokeradar i buy from pd vs nuggets?
6 Months ago
6 Months ago
What to do of relic silver?
6 Months ago
You found 15,300x Game Chips in this treasure box!".....3rd win of the day. Trying to collect 1000k game chip!!!
6 Months ago
#WelcomeBackGladiators Pichu from Kanto
6 Months ago
"You made it to round 33. You won 3440 Game Chips - congratulations!".....Game center is fun
6 Months ago


Last Action
Joining the Union Room (3 Months ago)

Last Visitors

AdamscovidSun, 21/Jul/2024, 18:27
JiangXTue, 09/Jul/2024, 13:32
itsjust_aenderTue, 25/Jun/2024, 12:19
SoleilLuxSat, 01/Jun/2024, 14:05
AnkaaThu, 04/Apr/2024, 22:32