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Steel Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 4

Trainerpoints: 35/51


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Charizard6513,001 / 13,580
Floette (White)64803 / 12,481
Graveler678,625 / 14,478
Basculin (Blue)574,174 / 9,919
Floette (Blue)6310,628 / 12,097
Woobat6412,344 / 12,481

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Sans213 hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #620461522
Registration: 08/10/2017 (6 Years ago)
Game Time: 0:36 Hours
Total interactions: 129
Money: 1,522
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


By LightningGoddy

Because i hatched my shiny heatran im giving away
30 heatrans
Also 100 nuggets to a lucky user
And a megastone to another user
1 heatran per user
Just post #freeheatran
And you may get a heatran
Share this for a better chance to win.
6 Years ago


Last Action
Sending a Pokémon on a Rumble Mission (6 Years ago)

Last Visitors

DarkFireRaidSun, 12/Nov/2017, 18:50
TunaMon, 09/Oct/2017, 01:03
The-Dark-PhoenixMon, 09/Oct/2017, 00:20