Hi everyone, I had a quick and probably dumb question but how do
you obtain eclipseon? I see it everywhere but I don't know how to
get one
i have a new egg in my party. i now have three of these little guys
cant wait to get the rest. help me hatch him please
so i had a question, i have most of the vivllions for my collection
but im missing two, i know i need the pokeball one but what other
patterns are there?
so i had a quick question, does anyone know the full list of
berries for the berry garden? i feel like im missing some but i
dont know which ones i am missing
hey everyone, i had a quick question, would any one like to trade
me large sums of just random berries for my miltanks i have pokemon
in my trade box if there is one you want or i have a few different
colored keys to give but for the keys id at least like 40 berries
send me a message if you wanna trade, thanks so much means a
so now i know about all the patterns for vivllions, i wanna know
where or how to get the emera pokemon cocktaillion, if anyone knows
please let me know
hello everyone, so i had a quick question, how many forms or
patterns are there of vivllions? i already have nine and i just
found a new one called cocktailion and it was way to much money but
with special events and all the normal patterns of vivllions how
many are there all together?
so id like to know, im looking for two more miltanks if possible,
in my trade box if there is a pokemon you want let me know ill
trade it for a pokemon you dont want but im specifically looking
for miltanks thank you
hey, so does anyone know how to get dusk form of rockruff?
woohoo!!!! my birthday is today totally stoked and i cant wait
today is gonna be lots of fun.
hey guys so i got a lot of pokemon in my trade box, a lot of them
are the same but if you need one or want one then let me know ill
trade them or if you wanna buy one thats fine too
hey guys i just put up a couple mystery boxes up in trade for pd so
check them out and let me know how much your willing to pay since i
have no idea what people will pay for these
hey guys, im doing yet another shiny hunt and i just got a lot of
eggies so helping me hatch them would be amazing, comment down
below and ill take care of your party too. thanks guys
ok i got a somewhat of a dumb question i got this green orb in a
mystery box just now and i have no idea what to do with it, can
anybody help me out?
hey guys, so i need some dark blue keys five of them so if you got
some for sale ill see if i can buy them from you it would be much
appreciated thank you
the one time im super stoked to do another shiny hunt and im one
electric gem away :,( if any of you have any electric gems you dont
need or want ill gladly take them or you want a little money for
them sure either way i need one please
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! I finally hatched my first shiny ahahahahahah!!!!!!
yes, sorry super happy
hey guys, so aside from missing a lot on here, i have sellers
clothes who do i give it to or can i just sell them idk what the
use of them is for.
hey guys, so i just got some eggies from daycare and theres still
three more i cant collect so help me and ill help you
hey guys, so im having trouble with keeping berries for my miltank
i would appreciate if you can give me some berries you have way to
many of thank you in advance