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Trainerlevel: 4

Trainerpoints: 47/51


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Dottler261,461 / 2,107
Oinkologne27834 / 2,269
Snom241,640 / 1,801
Furret27996 / 2,269
Morpeko301,321 / 2,791
Bibarel27891 / 2,269


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Newest gifts
Axel123 6 Days ago
Axel123 7 Days ago
Sophiasophio 7 Days ago
~razpberry 7 Days ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Pika_1 hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #858141658
Registration: 22/09/2024 (7 Days ago)
Game Time: 0:24 Hours
Total interactions: 45
Money: 3,943
Starter Pokémon: Charmander



I want to use the nuggets to get gifts for my pokeheroes online friends and build stronger relationships with them.

With those pokedollars, I can help new users in Pokeheroes by donating lots of pokedollars.

I hope that by doing these things I can make more friends in pokeheroes and help those new users out there.

Thank you for reading my wish😁
7 Days ago


Last Action
Visiting the Auction House (7 Days ago)

Last Visitors

Axel123Wed, 25/Sep/2024, 16:08
*Snowflake*Mon, 23/Sep/2024, 15:34
MikoVonLucisSun, 22/Sep/2024, 22:25
RabdomSun, 22/Sep/2024, 20:20
ShiningRayquazaSun, 22/Sep/2024, 15:55