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Ground Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 5

Trainerpoints: 65/79


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Psyduck332 / 37
Cottonee333 / 37
Ponyta17 / 8
Patrat758 / 169
Yungoos798 / 169

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Kite~ hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #634810384
Registration: 29/09/2024 (10 Hours ago)
Game Time: 1:12 Hours
Total interactions: 1,391
Money: 610
Starter Pokémon: Charmander


#kisukeBdayfullOfFun giveaway!! Prizes are
1#ho-oh 2#retro bellosom +100k pd 3#uxie voucher 4#norm eevee + ma ampharos 5#light stone
Also to enter
1.)Like the original feed
2.)repost whole with hashtag
3.) go to the site and join Giveaway link must join to win
Birthdays are always fun and those prizes are contributed among people
Also read the comment to see who’s contributed what
Ends on my birthday it is on 30 September
sorry for long message
Yesterday, 13:53


Last Action
Changing Account Settings (5 Hours ago)

Last Visitors

-ShiningRayquaza-Yesterday, 19:47
Firatyildirim0057Yesterday, 18:17
Yummy~Yesterday, 18:06
LiamTheGoatYesterday, 16:49
~StarryNight~Yesterday, 16:11