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Electric Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 38

Trainerpoints: 2,790/4,369


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Hiei D. Blatt
20038,241 / 138,806
Yusuke D. Typhl
12752,316 / 54,798
Raizen D. Blatt
230153,848 / 184,454
Woozeâ„¢ [1st`Shiny]
(Shellos (West))
10012,078 / 30,301
Snafuâ„¢ [2nd`Shiny]
10019,185 / 33,446
Yandere Empress
(Queen Jynx)
1518,796 / 68,857

About Me

[~] User`Spotlight \\ Check`Them [~]

Good Friend: Luriah Lovebug1998


[~] Zekrom`Zekrom \\ Broken`Moon \\ Yawning`Thunder [~]

[~] Add`Friends \\ Grant`Donations \\ Expand`Biotopes [~]

[~] Check`Boxes \\ Capture`Release \\ Buy`Trade [~]

Encountered MOD's
Liirah 1.1.1 Warning! -> Malkins 2.3 Reminder!

Looking for Fossils, buying or trading.
I rather summon hoard them than breed them.
Even tho breeding cost less.
Just for my collection!

I want Matriarchs. NOT bred but summoned.

[~] Just Jorde \\ Love Nature \\ Very Distinct [~]

[~] Small Otaku \\ Medium Gamer \\ Large Bookworm [~]


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Pinkysun 1 Year ago
NylaDawn 6 Years ago
Luriah 6 Years ago
Luriah 6 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Jblattz hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #212796463
Registration: 20/04/2015 (9 Years ago)
Time Played: 772:17 Hours
Total interactions: 254,746
Money: 91,485
Starter Pokémon: Blaziken



Oh no, what happened! What did you do with the storage system?!
Damn, everything crashed... Urgh, I hate bugs...
By the way, has this weird egg always been in your party...?

I cant even count how many times, I tried entering the same code T-T over and over again.. Until it showed the system error.
8 Years ago
buying Fossils for 3k each.
trading 1 Key or Box for 3 fossils.

I am paying more than its sold at the auction. and once they are hatched they do become useless. I could mass produce them by breeding and cost less like any other pokemon, but im just buying them for my collection. Palpad to confirm.

Another thing I could do is breed them first then trade them for their corresponding fossils!
8 Years ago
buying Fossils for 3k each.
trading 1 Key or Box for 3 fossils.
8 Years ago
I just ninja'd Articuno! XD
8 Years ago
You've been a member on PokéHeroes for more than 1 Year now!

→ Claim your gift
Anniversary Gift

A whole year wasted on PokéHeroes, yay!

Thanks for being a member on PokéHeroes!

Please choose a cake to celebrate your anniversary:

Cheese Cake? or Strawberry Cake?
8 Years ago
Im happy! I just got my second shiny from the lab and its a lillipup. XD
8 Years ago

I found this interesting: Jblattz

J - came from the first letter of my name.
A slang word, it could be a acronym and abbreviation J

Blatt - came from a favorite manga.
Meaning: Blade in Old deep German.

Z - instead of " S " I switched it with a " Z "
Meaning: A old trick by putting " Z " to the end making it look cool. lol XD
8 Years ago
Uhhwaaa!!! Its been so long I haven't been on.
9 Years ago
The Star

A shrill voice speaks softly to you:
"Oh, what a lovely wish! I hope this egg will make you happy."

9 Years ago

I have 27 mystery boxes and 10 mystery keys.

Trading 1 mystery box or 1 mystery key for 2 fossils.
9 Years ago
9 Years ago
Helping anyone with PokeDEX for PokeDollars\\Offers.

Palpad first to confirm, for proper handling.

\\Check Trade Boxes\\

I need space to organize my boxes.
9 Years ago
What are you suppose to do with a NAPPY? There is one on the honey tree, but I don't know how to get him? I tried throwing balls at him, do I scare him away? I just want him to join already!
9 Years ago
Who bought all the everstones. :t
9 Years ago
I swear Yandere things are so contagious! ~smh. Not knowing what I was getting into, until it was to late.
9 Years ago
(~3~) Pal Pad! (This really got me :( so bad) -Its been 1 month-
- One thing about Pal Pad, there are NO notification*
- If someone messages you, the Pal Pad Book will light up!
- The most recent messages you get, will say "New" and will be at the top of the list.
- Pal Pad keeps track on, Friends that are Online and Offline.
- It also keeps track on, how long its been since your friends haven't been online.
9 Years ago
Your need more boxes to store Pokémon? Well *cough* every box needs more data capacity, special hardware, blah blah, and so on. I could activate some more for you, but this will cost you some money! Nevertheless I think it is worth it.

The capacity of your storage box has been extended.
9 Years ago
How much does a Resolute Stone cost?
9 Years ago
Could you maybe help me to find them? Just tell your Pokémon to look out for Machine Parts out on the rumble areas. I'd highly appreciate your effort!
9 Years ago
OHH YEAAHH!!! Mega Charmander thanks Prof. Rowan~!
9 Years ago


Last Action
Searching for a trade (1 Year ago)

Last Visitors

HimariTue, 04/Feb/2025, 08:19
overlukedMon, 06/Jan/2025, 18:43
RindouHaitaniMon, 04/Dec/2023, 05:13
PinkysunThu, 02/Nov/2023, 18:37
WyvernDaemonThu, 07/Sep/2023, 07:08