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Rock Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
This user account has been locked permanently.
Trainerlevel: 39

Trainerpoints: 1,026/4,601


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Darling, nghe anh này
(Deerling (Summer))
649,532 / 12,481
Nai con (Phu.c sinh)
(Deerling (Easter))
14818,447 / 66,157
Luwowmj trúwng cuwjc
24280 / 2,251

~About Me~

Avatar credit: Chó tai xanh (Green ear dog) from Ani World [flash online webgame (RIP)]

I just love Rapidash / Ponyta so much...

Both art by MERLYNSTER
DeviantArt: Neriad and PokenautNereon

Sometimes I will set up a Pokemon in AH with max bid. It mean I set up Pokemon for Dream Points, not for sell. So please ignore that auction.

QuoteEverything in the world is double-edged sword.

OTP's song. Not a love song, but my young self thinks so.
Khát Vọng Thượng Lưu by Nguyễn Đình Vũ

Help me warm the egg.

Please train all of them, I'll very thankful.


#54 Tue, 09/04/2019, 10:58PM

Feeling sleepy, so I listen to an erotic song. Ihu? Can't say, feel free to guess.
#76 Thu, 11/04/2019, 06:03AM
#95 Thu, 11/04/2019, 07:43PM
#138 Mon, 15/04/2019, 02:05PM

Emera Fountain: "Where did it go?
(Nothing happened)"
That's why I nicknamed her "Where do we go?"
Also it remind me about a song by Thanh Bùi ft. Tata Young.
Full English version


Adopted from the Lab 100 Ponyta eggs... *Facepalm*


All evolves + all genders + all natures... *Sigh* Same for shiny hunt... *Sigh part 2* *Facepalm part 2*

Now we have Mega Rapidash, eh? Too difficult to adopt from the Lab 50 mega-able Ponyta eggs. :v

Victini and Harvest Sprites

Please train all of them, I'll very thankful.

Edit in 2022: Only Rainbow left, now easy to get them. But I kinda miss the old lines when we find and click them.
Shiny version eh? It will take alot of time, I don't think I can finish this quest. 😂

Some SWF files stuff

When I touch the PC, I will add some images.

Favourite games:

- Pedro Fly Catcher [Vietnamese version: Dũng Sĩ Diệt Ruồi (re-write Description, it's funny if you understand the language) ( ╹▽╹ )]

- Vulpin Adventure: All monster are cute, RNG base (equipments & fews skill) °^ °, Boss from extra level is kinda hard, good musics.
Play the game online.
Why is my RNG better on phone but not on PC????? =_=

- Monster Arena: Cool and cute monsters,
*In-training & in-battle items work fine on Flash Player version 9*

- Legend of Kalevala: Good musics, vvv,.....


Last Action
Reading a forum thread (10 Months ago)

Game Records

Trainer ID: #130425226
Registration: 22/12/2018 (6 Years ago)
Time Played: 941:29 Hours
Total interactions: 726,356
Money: 513,372
Starter Pokémon: Swampert


By tiffanyp6

I have put 5 mega ables in the normal wonder trade! Make sure you put ur pokemon in to have a chance to get one! Gl all and plz share this post! ♡
1 Year ago
I cheated so my account got locked for 1 month, I deserve it. The tool did a great job of keeping the site safe and fair, thanks to our lovely staff.
The site is fun, many giveaways, many kind people, many good memories.
I don't want to lose this acc, lose the good people here so I won't try to cheat anymore.
I'm so sorry for anyone who believed in me.
I just wanted to say sorry, that's all.
1 Year ago
By AlmightyConqueror
*Help needed
This is my quest pokemon, and this is the final part of my rowan quest

Funny thing is that I need 244 level to win this time, and luckily this event may give a boost to my level ups.

Feed my Dragonite, comment proof below.
One random person will win 300 nuggets
And a runner up will win 100 nuggets
Share #FinalTime so that more people check this out, ensuring maximum interactions!
Thank you and have a nice day ahead
1 Year ago
By CT-9904
I'm leaving and so I'm gonna do a giveaway


2 entries MAX per person
Like = 1
Share = 1

1st place = choice of either Kanto bird trio or 1447070 pd (in addition to some items)
2nd place = the option 1st didn't choose (in addition to some items)
3rd place = all my legendaries and shinies
1 Year ago
By tiffanyp6
I have put 5 mega ables in the normal wonder trade! Make sure you put ur pokemon in to have a chance to get one! Gl all and plz share this post! ♡
1 Year ago
By CrystalPaw
Hey guys, I’m doing my first giveaway to celebrate my cat’s birthday!
Prize: Mega able ponyta with Great IV’S

Comment proof of hatching my eggs (1 entry)
Heart this feed (1 entry)
Share this feed (2 entries)
Donate to help with my damn caldron task (3 entries)
send a plushie (1 entry)

This ends when my cats birthday is up (10th June)
1 Year ago
By Flapple
Hello Folks!!!
How u all doing??
So as u guys know I have completed my Alola Dex
Here is the egg...

So I am hosting a giveaway!!!
Like this feed and share this hashtag #AlolaEgg

The prizes "coughs" are:
1st Position : 3 Nebula Stones
2nd Position: 1 Nebula Stone..

1 Year ago
By EspeonCat

It's my bday soon! So, making a REALLY quick giveaway.
1st place - 20k pd & a free (breedable) event from ma 1st box
2nd place - 10k pd & a free poke from any other box
3rd place - Any plushie below 100 dp

This'll be a random-pick giveaway, so I do random spin to decide winners. So enter by sharing, liking, and, if you want, friending me.

1 Year ago
By Altreo
SM Yorebro still up on GTS

Any offers below the best will be rejected. Best offer so far will be posted on the comments.

Like this feed and share #YoreBestOffer and get the chance to win 50 Nebula Stones. A winner will be chosen after June 3rd reset.
1 Year ago
Female Gastly (Retro) *, how great! :D
2 Years ago

Scared of children.
2 Years ago
By Domodoco

So I just hit my 2 months 2 days ago! I have learned a lot and come pretty far. There’s something I sold on my first day or two, it was my first shiny a lab Igglybuff! I had no idea it was rare to get lab shines, we’re talking my first 50 Pokémon hatched.. I would like it back now lol and I’m willing to trade for shiny Ursaluna! If you find the person who has it and let them know I’ll give you a shiny Zora!
I implore you to please help me get this milestone back share #DomoFirstShiny
2 Years ago
By gameboy20905

To celebrate my shiny frosmoth getting to lv. 300, im doing a giveaway to celebrate. End date: 31st October 2022@5am

Like: 1 entry
Comment: 2 entries
Share: 3 entries

1st: 5 mystery sets + Treeko breeding pair
2nd: Treeko breeding pair
3rd: 1, 500 pd

Also, share this hashtag with it, I forgot it: #Shiny300Frosmoth
2 Years ago
By gameboy20905

To celebrate my shiny frosmoth getting to lv. 300, im doing a giveaway to celebrate. End date: 31st October 2022@5am

Like: 1 entry
Comment: 2 entries
Share: 3 entries

1st: 5 mystery sets + Treeko breeding pair
2nd: Treeko breeding pair
3rd: 1, 500 p
2 Years ago
By RastaPastaPanda

So in honor of getting lucky and hatching 2 shiny mega audinos, before chain 1k, I'm doing a giveaway 😊
1st prize is a shiny and mega able audino+300k
2nd prize is a mega able audino+200k
3rd prize is 100k
Just heart this post and share #Before1kGiveaway to enter 🖤 giveaway ends in 2 resets 😁 good luck everyone.

So I went and did a thing 🤷‍♀️ I mega evolved the 2 megables and now the prizes are...
1st shiny and mega audino+300k
2nd mega audino+200k
3rd 100k
If I hatch another mega able before the giveaway ends it will also be mega evolved and added to the 3rd place prize 😊 good luck everyone!!

Oh the irony hahaha the egg in my party just hatched mega able 😅
2 Years ago
By ~UmbreonLover~

right! <3 this feed and share the hashtag for a chance to win a shiny lanturn!
2 Years ago
By Cosmog_of_the_Cosmos

By Anniversary
You've been a member on PokéHeroes for more than 1 Year now!

→ Claim your gift

Oh cool i've been here for a year now .w.
Sooo I guess I can make a smol giveaway-
Feel free to share #ilovemyapplepie for a chance to win 500k pd + a mega stone. :3
I'll be using this to pick the names ( I like the effect ;w; )
eeee apple pieeee

Forget I need an ending date ;w;
It'll end in maybe 3 days or so? ( oct 10 ) hopefully on thanksgiving-
2 Years ago
By Elzah

By PokéRadar
Congratulations! A shiny Goomy hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #44)!

Yey! 😳😍 First one! Too bad it’s not before 40th, but it’s still an early shiny so I’ll still do a giveaway. When my next shiny is hatched, 2 random persons who will heart this feed will get 50 nuggets. Another entry for sharing #ElzahsShinyGoomy and a random person from there will get a goomy slot! And if by any chance I get shiny twins, I’ll be giving away 100 nuggets on all those entries combined (hearts and hashtag). So this will last til I finish my Goomy hunt. Good luck everyone!💜

By PokéRadar
Congratulations! A shiny Goomy hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #50)!

Woah! I got my second one sooner that I thought😍 Meaning, I’ll do my first giveaway now. And the winners are *drumroll* Csoxi and ChaosAzeroth! Congratulations! Continue to share #ElzahsShinyGoomy for the other 2 giveaways😊
2 Years ago
By TheCure

From now on in Ph, I want to earn my shinies myself. Therefore I am giving away ALL of the shinies in my shiny box as they are not my own, just share this post, in one week SEVEN random people will get one random shiny. Good Luck!
2 Years ago
By FieryFaith

Quitting the game. Being on for one more day to sell my Pokémon. Deadline is reset!
All Pokémon I own are ufs for nuggets and other reasonable offers. And only offers. I don’t have a single price, but I’m not afraid to say no. Share #FierySellmonsBye for a chance to get half my earnings. Max is 5k nuggets worth if I get to that amount.

Update to my giveaway. Any leftover mons will unofficially (not sure yet) be given away on gts. *If I sold a considerable amount.* There will be 3 winners officially who get to pick any one of my leftover pokemons that weren’t sold. The way to enter is to share my original hashtag #FierySellmonsBye + the post! IF you only share the hashtag you’ll be entered only for the 5k nuggets/half earnings.
2 Years ago


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Qiaokeli 10 Months ago
Marzipanalia 1 Year ago
Maato11 1 Year ago
-Devilish_Angel- 1 Year ago


Inu*Sayaka hasn't collected any medals so far.

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trunghamFri, 28/Feb/2025, 05:31
DGWHenriettaSat, 07/Dec/2024, 19:57
SourAppleWed, 16/Oct/2024, 06:06
RiceThu, 10/Oct/2024, 17:35
-anonzellia-Fri, 13/Sep/2024, 09:43