cool, my second ever mega-able bred is also shiny :>
"Congratulations! A shiny Magikarp hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #45)!" :> nice!
Eventually I'll have a plan for what I want to do on this site and
what my goals are... Right now I am just having fun!
Minior! :> need to work hard on this one!
Eurovision was a lot of fun for this American to watch... Portugal
could have been more gracious in the speech though. Still, very
"Congratulations! A shiny Magikarp hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #95)!" cool :>
Hi I remembered my password :>
" By PokéRadar - 2 Hours and 7 Minutes ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Magikarp hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #107)! Your PokéRadar resetted and needs new batteries."
wooooo about time!
#MyWishForChristmas is to finally rest well and let
myself relax after this stressful time working retail.
I'm still here, just caught up working retail during holiday
shopping season... plz give me strength...
Oh nice another explorer bag finally
It's very hard to live with mental illness. You feel incredibly
alone in your suffering, even when you know that others are feeling
similar pain. But you are cared for. All of you. Your absences
would be noted, and missed.
I feel kinda lost anymore. :( I wanna be active but I feel like I'm
not doing anything right.
You push the green key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to
the left and... cccrrk!! The mystery box opens and you look curious
in it... 563x Pokédollar found! The key breaks and becomes useless.
........ Oh.
Ugh stupid-busy with work and stuff, my activity here is way low.
If people are so disappointed to get Magikarps in WonderTrade,
maybe we should stop putting Magikarps in WonderTrade....