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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 31

Trainerpoints: 978/2,913


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
271,617 / 2,836
698,766 / 15,405

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Last Action
Hunting Shadows (3 Months ago)

Game Records

Trainer ID: #332137880
Registration: 27/10/2022 (1 Year ago)
Game Time: 298:50 Hours
Total interactions: 275,987
Money: 445,636
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


Just got the relic crown, should I get the fisherman hat or not?
4 Months ago
How long is a shadow chain usually?
5 Months ago
Click exchange please thx
5 Months ago
Can cupidfly breed?
5 Months ago
How many sweet hearts can you get with each plushie sent?
5 Months ago
This hunt is totally hindering my dex completion, I really need to get my shiny soon
5 Months ago
I played on this site for a year and now I finally realise that I have to start competing my dex…
5 Months ago
Guys, I really want to get my shiny cosmog soon as I wanna start other hunts. If I can get it by the next scs, I will give half of my remaining nebula stones away to a random person who likes this feed, share it, and interact with 50% of my eggs.
5 Months ago
How many dp does it take to get shiny mew in July?
5 Months ago
Happy CNY
5 Months ago
Click for exchange :)
5 Months ago
Actually, why do GB and UB magearnas worth more than PB ones when they are equally as hard to obtain?
5 Months ago
Where do you find the third jade orb?
5 Months ago
Would a shedninja at 302 have a chance of being on leaderboard in bug hatching contest?
5 Months ago
Please hatch my shedninja, wanna get it to contest too
5 Months ago
Does level matter in bug hatching contest?
5 Months ago
5 Months ago
Trades in gts are outrageous…
5 Months ago
Does nobody hunts leggies anymore? Legend items can’t be sold. They used to get like 5 offers in 24hrs :(
5 Months ago
Maybe I will be back for a bit :)
10 Months ago

Shiny Hunt

Evilking999 is currently hunting Cosmog.
Hunt started: 11/05/2023

Chain: 74


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Evilking999 4 Months ago
Shadowplay 5 Months ago
~razpberry 5 Months ago
Nadgobus 5 Months ago


Evilking999 hasn't collected any medals so far.

Last Visitors

ShatteredDiamondThu, 18/Jul/2024, 05:07
QuantumVoid23Mon, 08/Jul/2024, 06:32
GlitchModeTue, 23/Apr/2024, 04:22
gothicriftTue, 02/Apr/2024, 17:46
ShrednawSat, 30/Mar/2024, 23:54