oooh, the next milestone guarantees a shiny! can I hatch 25 eggs by
the end of the day??
meanwhile the event ended in under an hour. forgot about that part
the advent specials were so cute this year!! they've been given
everstones, juuuust to be sure they stay that way
just getting by and finding happiness where and when I can… I’m not
one for lofty goals
So weird… there were no news announcements for this past month.
It’s going to go straight from Halloween to Advent Calendar.
skipping paldea research tasks 🤝 collecting Halloween sweets
Children scare me and they know it, which makes them even scarier
That feeling when you’re stalking the lab for rare eggs to hatch
and evolve, and a rare one finally shows up! And you click it and
get it! …and only then it registers it’s Relicanth 🤦🏻
I feared this would happen... now all the researches require dragon
eggs... TTwTT
after two days of no progress, I am increasingly glad the Paldea
research has no time limit :'D
200 Scorfolia hatched; four shinies, one of them female. A good
hunt overall except that it took so long. X’D Now to fill some gaps
in my ‘dexes. Not hunting one thing (that’s painfully slow to breed
and not available in the tall grass) will be a relief, at least for
a little while! The urge to hunt inevitably returns. >:)
Decided to continue the shiny hunt until egg 200. Apparently a good
choice, seeing as I've hatched two more shinies. The latest one a
female - this is a Scorfolia, so a starter, hunt. She's not going
anywhere. 0w0
"Congratulations! A shiny Scorfolia hatched out of one of your
Fifth on site, now up for auction!
Only took four and a half months since the last one X'D
Now, to try for three, or (finally) let this go....
now that the Easter event is over, I wish we could click on the
egg(s) we didn't find and learn where the **** they were X'D
nope... no last egg for me...
Uh... for some reason I assumed gray stars meant "poor" and gold
meant "good"... apologies to those with gray stars I released in
ignoranced... ^^;
I've clicked every page I can think of, more than once... I'm not
going to find that last egg, am I. >.<
I see people whose statuses on their webpage say "WIP" and I think
to myself, Aren't we all?
Did anyone else’s daycare blow up today?
I usually have maybe 10 eggs; currently at 30! I double checked I
didn’t use my stockpiled black flute by accident! (I did not.
Since I’m hunting a site variant, most eggs aren’t any good for my
hunt, but I am really appreciating the extra opportunities to get
the ones I need. ^_^