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Trainerlevel: 46

Trainerpoints: 5,677/6,393


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DarkMoonCat 4 Days ago
DarkMoonCat 5 Days ago
DarkMoonCat 5 Days ago
DarkMoonCat 5 Days ago

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DarkMoonCat hasn't collected any medals so far.


Game Records

Trainer ID: #546566691
Registration: 26/08/2022 (2 Years ago)
Time Played: 550:47 Hours
Total interactions: 55,645
Money: 2,590,091
Starter Pokémon: Empoleon


By *CrystalWinter* - 55 Minutes and 6 Seconds ago.

Hi, Decided to do a giveaway.
The requirements to participate are-
-Copy and post this on your feed
-Like this post
Anyways the prizes that will be distributed are as follows-
Winner #1- Male Solar eevee holding venus sphere
Winner #2- 1 cold rock and 2 nebula stones
Winner #3- 4 of ANY gem of choice of the winner

The giveaway ends on 12th of march (my birthday) 12 server time. Good luck.

Aye, happy early birthday!
22 Days ago
GIVEAWAY (by$$ti83):
I have been very busy lately, so I am giving away all my items including PD, that would be 500k PD+many high valued Pokémon. I will still visit once in a while, maybe doing shiny hunt.
1 lucky winner will win it all!!

1. repost the entire message
2. have at least 20 hours of playtime
3. heart this post

EDIT:: Because so many people joined, if you add to the prize pot, it will increase your chances by x1.01 to x1.25 depending on value. (You can gift or send priv trade w/comment)


1 Month ago
GIVEAWAY (by$$ti83):
I have been very busy lately, so I am giving away all my items including PD, that would be 500k PD+many high valued Pokémon. I will still visit once in a while, maybe doing shiny hunt.
1 lucky winner will win it all!!

1. repost the entire message
2. have at least 20 hours of playtime
3. heart this post

1 Month ago
1 Month ago
By LiamTheGoat - 4 Days and 4 Hours ago.
Since so many people joined my last giveaway I'ma do another one rn. Heart the original message by me aka LiamTheGoat and share this entire post/feed. This giveaway ends February 9th and I'm giving away 123 nuggets. Good luck :)
1 Month ago
2 Months ago
Get healthier
3 Months ago
By Acoustic - 11 Minutes and 26 Seconds ago.
What's in the gift?
It's the jolliest time of the year, when we all get together and share, a time of gratitude and appreciation, so I'm doing a giveaway for all of you folks to enjoy!

To enter:
♡ This feed
Share #AGiftFromIndeedee
And share what your favorite thing to do is this time of year, whether it be celebrate, gifts, eating, among other things!

Two people who share this feed will get 250 nuggets, however, the first 10 people to share this tag also get 10k PD, and 2 other people who share the tag will receive 50k Each at the end of the giveaway!

Winners will be chosen on the 24th at midnight!

Good luck, and happy chilly month!
3 Months ago
By OrangePopplio - 4 Days and 18 Hours ago.

(i have too much combees lol) Having another giveaway! Use #FiveOrangeCombees to get 5 Combees, for free! This will be given to 10 users and like last time, there will be a special prize! 20000 PD, 30 Normal and Grass gems, and a Pumple! The giveaway will end once 10 users have joined the giveaway, and the extra 2 players who joined late will get a free Combee! Have fun! :)
3 Months ago
Share the hashtag and link: #OMFG_HEsGivingPD&Nuggets
4 Months ago
4 Months ago
4 Months ago


Last Action
At the Fun Fair (5 Hours ago)

Last Visitors

ShatteredDiamondSat, 29/Mar/2025, 03:26
gothicriftTue, 25/Mar/2025, 19:16
WonderWebFri, 21/Mar/2025, 01:26
loketokeMon, 17/Mar/2025, 17:31
VapourSat, 15/Mar/2025, 11:12