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Formerly: Kalix95
Trainerlevel: 28

Trainerpoints: 771/2,379


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Vulpix656 / 127
Vulpix (Alolan)685 / 127
Vulpix748 / 169
Vulpix (Alolan)85 / 217
Vulpix817 / 217
Vulpix8213 / 217

Gem Stall

Gems for sale:

4x Fighting (500pd)

3x Flying (900pd)

5x Grass (400pd)

8x Normal (1250pd)

3x Poison (650pd)

1x Water (900pd)

3x Fire (900pd)

4x Ghost (900pd)

3x Ice (900pd)

3x Psychic (650pd)

Palpad me with requests. Include type and number of gems wanted


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Galvadyne 1 Month ago
Galvadyne 1 Month ago
Galvadyne 1 Month ago
Galvadyne 1 Month ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


ChrysCross hasn't collected any medals so far.


Last Action
Reading the news (23 Hours ago)

Game Records

Trainer ID: #943018901
Registration: 03/05/2019 (5 Years ago)
Game Time: 162:59 Hours
Total interactions: 250,028
Money: 330,132
Starter Pokémon: Ivysaur


Interaction exchange?

And I've got a berry stand stocked with 1pd berries. Clear it out? I'll check on it every 20 minutes. If it goes empty, palpad me
4 Years ago
Clearing out my stash of gems. Palpad/pm me if you're interested.

4 electric
6 fighting
10 grass
4 normal
3 poison
1 water
1 dark
1 fire
4 ghost
7 ice
4 steel

1pd berries in my stand, too :)
4 Years ago
Everything in my berry stand is 1pd!

Help me clear out some of my stock! I'll refill every 15 minutes. If you notice it empty, palpad/pm me
4 Years ago
Interaction exchange?! Just got my second Babylonian egg!
4 Years ago
Shamelessly avoiding schoolwork is a ton easier when it's all online...

Interaction exchange? Give me a reason to actually avoid it!
4 Years ago
1 pd berries in my stand!

Seriously, help me clear out some of these... I'll restock every 20 mins. Palpad me if I run out before then.
4 Years ago
interaction exchange anyone?

also got a berry stand full of 1pd berries!
4 Years ago
My berry stand is stocked with 1pd berries. I'll restock every 15 minutes. Palpad me if you find it empty.
4 Years ago
Interaction exchange, anyone?

Also got 1pd berries in my stand. Will refill every 20 minutes.

If you see it empty, send me a palpad and I'll restock as soon as I see it.
4 Years ago
interaction exchange, anyone?
4 Years ago
Does anyone want an Alolan Sandshrew? Palpad me, I've got both genders
4 Years ago
Interaction exchange, please?? I still have another egg in the daycare!
4 Years ago
Everything in my berry stand is 1pd! I'll restock every 15 minutes
4 Years ago
By Kopke - 29 Minutes and 18 Seconds ago.
Let's do a small giveaway, shall we?

Leave a heart on this post and share the hashtag #letsgetax2daybeforex3day !

If we get a double day (x2) tomorrow I'll gift one(1) user who hearted and shared the hashtag 100 nuggets and another user 50 nuggets!

Let's do this everyone!!
4 Years ago
Interaction exchange, anyone?

Everything in my berry stand is 1 pd
4 Years ago
4 Years ago
4 Years ago

Breeder's Corner

Currently breeding: Alolan Sandshrew

Pokedex #: 27/28

Price: 2k pd

Price is always negotiable

Palpad for reservations

Palpad for requests for specific pokemon (check my breeder boxes first, please)

Check out my Selling box to see if I have any pokemon already hatched

About Me

Name: Kalix

Pronouns: whatever you want to use. I honestly don't care.

Occupation: retail for now

Likes/Obsessions: Anime, pokemon, mythologies

About me:

Introvert, and fine with that.

Recovering architecture student (seriously, that stuff is expensive!)

Pokemon Breeder on here, feel free to check out my breeding pairs boxes

Check out my berry stand (usually have all berries at 1pd only)

All the pokemon in my Selling box are up for grabs, so check 'em out and send me a palpad if you're interested.

Feel free to add me, I don't bite!

Ignore this

Last Visitors

GalvadyneTue, 04/Jun/2024, 00:09
~MysteryMew~Fri, 29/Dec/2023, 17:06
MiniEarthMon, 30/Oct/2023, 08:38
gh0styMon, 17/Jul/2023, 03:11
QueenWeissTue, 05/Jul/2022, 21:19