Come on Seahawks! Beat the Chargers <3
today was productive here. got a lugia egg and raylong
Yay I finally got a lugia egg
Happy anniversary! I haven't been on here long but it's a cool site
So um the raylong quest if I hatched a charmander a while back and
he is now a level 91 Charizard does that count for hatching an egg
and getting it to level 100? Or does it have to be a new egg since
I wasn't on that part of the quest yet?
Pokemon or the punisher.....toooouuuuggghhhh choice
Ahh really wanting the Charizard X and Jolteon plushies I'll send
you plushies if you give me them :D
I need hatching please help me I got 5 eggs in the daycare
please interact im starting to get a back up of eggs in the day
on no :( i have to do the treasure chest game for green orb. *waves
white flag* i havent gotten anything out of those things
how much is a fem Charmander compared to a fem Charizard worth
i dont know how to battle :( i dont have a battle thingy is there a
way i can still get experience for the event?
lol seriously you two. 4 eggs in 1 hour and 45 minutes and 1 this
Hey guys sorry for asking but can you interact with my
eggs....after 3 days of trying to get my two pokemon to breed they
are breeding like crazy now lol i am now on my 4th charmander, 2 of
which are in the daycare still
10,000 interactions in 1 day T_T just to get stopped on the 3rd
step. I have nothing worth a dragon gem and i need 5
Please interact with my Pokemon they are all within 300 of hatching
What do I do with the light blue mystery key
do i have to pay the daycare money for breeding?
if you have x/y or/as send me your friend code :3