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Trainerlevel: 11

Trainerpoints: 326/373


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Skitty541,206 / 7,129


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Set #1
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Set #4


Celi-bean hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #180796183
Registration: 11/09/2013 (11 Years ago)
Game Time: 25:29 Hours
Total interactions: 10,269
Money: 2,855
Starter Pokémon: Samurott


Yayyy, finally bought a Flame Orb. Now I'm broke.
10 Years ago
I want to find the sprites, but I just don't have time. :'c I keep getting really disappointed when I think I know where they are, but then they aren't there. Ugh.
10 Years ago
What are these sprite things and how do I get them?
10 Years ago
What is this give a hug feed a berry thing on the index page WAHT
10 Years ago
Finally got an egg! Yay!
11 Years ago
How do you get eggs from the daycare? o:> Trying to get a Catercream egg...
11 Years ago
My friend BerBer1015 just joined yesterday and she really wants to find out what her first egg is! I'd appreciate some clicks in her direction! <3
11 Years ago
What do I need to do to get the dumb 'New Community' badge from set one?!?!
11 Years ago
Guys, what does Buttercream look like? O: I haven't seen one yet!
11 Years ago
... That frownie was meant to be a smilie. :) *
11 Years ago
I'll click more tomorrow. Nite everybody. :(
11 Years ago
Thanks, AutumnStar! <3
11 Years ago
@AutumnStar The one that says 'looking for slowyore'? O:
11 Years ago
Anyone have a female Catercream they'd be willing to trade with a male?
11 Years ago
Wooo, got me a second Catercream egg! I hope it's a female!
11 Years ago
7/10! I'm on a roll!
11 Years ago
11 Years ago
2/10 already!!!
11 Years ago
Yes, I got a Catercream! I'ma try for a second one! <3
11 Years ago
9/10 Cornets!
11 Years ago


Last Action
Viewing qwerty (10 Years ago)

Last Visitors

SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 21:53
bigtimeangMon, 09/Dec/2019, 01:02
DenkSun, 09/Jun/2019, 07:42
IsenfireMon, 26/Nov/2018, 22:06
Pokehero87Sat, 22/Sep/2018, 08:15