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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 13

Trainerpoints: 47/519


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Surfer Machop14528,280 / 71,948
Charmeleon234190,235 / 191,031
Charmander16920,601 / 98,445
Orange Fury
2797,721 / 272,949
Seaking54721 / 8,911
Dragalge7013,977 / 14,911

About me

I'm here to have fun in a world of Pokemon and forums! I enjoy everything, but am not too serious about collecting everything or winning vs battles. Forums are my forte. I like Nintendo, and am going to play a Pokemon game... eventually. My favourite Pokemon is Charmander. He's cute, but dangerous.

Ooh, also, I'm phycic!


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
t0asssty 3 Years ago
igord 4 Years ago
Vandal 4 Years ago
Criex12 4 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


CaptainDrewBoy hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #558386465
Registration: 02/04/2019 (5 Years ago)
Game Time: 62:54 Hours
Total interactions: 27,962
Money: 3,081
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


Guess who's back
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Guess who's back
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Hey the mobile version looks way better now...
4 Years ago
I've been offline so long, PH sent me an email...
5 Years ago
I took another one day break.

20 notifications. Again.

Groundhog day has commenced.
5 Years ago
I was offline for ONE day. I have 20 notifications.
Thanks, Pokeheroes.
5 Years ago
5 Years ago
By best 92: #FreeCosmogs

Hello everyone! So as you know, I'm currently hunting Cosmogs and I'm currently selling them and trading hatched ones for Nebula Stones (shameless plug, don't mind me).

Anyway, no one is really buying them so I decided that I'm gonna do the only reasonable thing. A giveaway! All you have to do is share this entire post and like the original one (and/or comment RIP for my sanity).


3 lucky people will win 2 Cosmogs each
Another 3 lucky people will win 1 Cosmog each

Thank you all and good luck!

P.S. If you are looking to buy a shiny Cosmog contact me (best92) or check out the Shiny Shop I hunt for, The Shiny Shop of Horrors
5 Years ago

I hope I wiiiin!
5 Years ago
#FriendsGiveaway Woooooooo
5 Years ago
I'm feeling a bit generous, so if you share the below hashtag with a sprite you'd like done, I'll do it for free!
5 Years ago
I'm going to agree there.
5 Years ago
I'm excited. I got the selfie stick for Tinderama, and I just bought a Pscyduck, it's selfie time!
5 Years ago
Ok. I tried to be nice and the guy only cares about Pokeheroes Youtubers
5 Years ago
I'm not about to name names, but this random guy palpadded me, 'Hello'. So I'm like, 'Why did you palpad me?'. He replies, 'I like helping people'. Guy's a level 5, how could he help me? I ask him, and he logs off. Now I've got the first person on my blocklist.
5 Years ago
I can't believe it! I've joined the Ph times!
5 Years ago
I feel like my stomach is protesting after all those eggs yesterday... *burp*
5 Years ago
Prof. Little:Call the vivisaur whatever you like!
Types in name.
Stryker: His name is PoopyPants? Heh, I like it.
5 Years ago
Ok, it was a 5 mile trek, but I still didn't like it. I came back and just devoured an Easter egg.
5 Years ago
Add Riako to your friend list, they said. You'll know when he(he? she?) does news, they said. Well now my friendlist clicklist is overflowing!
5 Years ago
That moment when you realise you're checking the privacy policy for eggs...
5 Years ago
School's out for Easter! Hope nobody has *shudders* holiday homework...
5 Years ago

Last Visitors

MetroClown_MP4Sat, 18/May/2024, 18:17
TylerLee05Wed, 16/Feb/2022, 18:26
kraytfraytThu, 21/Oct/2021, 14:00
SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 21:52
Riku_Wed, 18/Aug/2021, 16:29


Last Action
Reading a forum thread (3 Years ago)
