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Trainerlevel: 39

Trainerpoints: 3,420/4,601


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Minior (Meteor)822,452 / 22,128
Easter Lord 394
(Mega Easter Lopunny)
6172,224 / 1,143,919
Bunny Lord
(Mega Lopunny)
1,2483,772,504 / 4,676,257


Shiny Hunt

Bunny_Lord is currently hunting Easter Buneary.
Hunt started: 04/04/2018

Chain: 262
6 15 0


Level 21

Game Records

Trainer ID: #200530386
Registration: 24/05/2015 (9 Years ago)
Time Played: 547:44 Hours
Total interactions: 463,152
Money: 174,316
Starter Pokémon: Infernape


Flower boy plushie exchange anyone?
12 Days ago
So, I got in a car accident yesterday. My friend was in the car with me, I barley remember anything besides getting t-boned and following the car in front of me. I'm okay, and my friend is okay, since then I've been in some weird panic mode, like I can't even think properly anymore. I have work tonight, and I am terrifed to drive now.
1 Year ago
Dude I did not just see possible transphobia/disrespect from a user "quitting" its been up for almost 24 hours as well??
1 Year ago
Hey Bunny_Lord!
Listen, this is urgent!
Pokémon-Professor Oak from Ruby Valley challenged me for another duel! I have to level this Magikarp as fast as possible, so it reaches a higher Level than Prof. Oak's Pokémon until this Sunday.
He sounded pretty serious and it really seems like he wants to win this time (I even feel like he's going to cheat with Rare Candies!). ... But I can't lose! What should I do?

You know the drill guys :) would be appreciated and returned with interactions if you feed the magikarp a berry!
1 Year ago
I had a remoraid in my party and i got super worried i somehow broke my chain but it was the wonder trade I set up awhile ago LOL
1 Year ago
By BlitzTheZeraora - 28 Minutes and 6 Seconds ago.

School is starting tomorrow for my county. :((((


1st Place: shiny hunt of choice (no SM/Event/legends, excluding shellos north/south line), 100K PD, a bunch of items
2nd Place: BIG plush spam, 50K PD, some items (mainly gems)
3rd Place: plush spam, 40K PD, a few items

Share #BlitzIsGoingBackToHell daily ^^
1 Year ago
Everyday I thank the Pokeheroes wiki

Now I know how to get the rest of the badges and sprites, because dang you can get items from the sets? When I first started playing we weren't allowed to share hints about things like that
1 Year ago
My trans rights Lopunny has managed to win bronze for the medal rally <3 Something I tried to do years ago when I was 15 I think? Couldn't ever do it right. I've decided to give her the name Lady Lazarus.
1 Year ago
Is there an archive for all staff birthday plushies? Can't seem to find one online and it would be helpful for plushie collectors to know what days. Happy birthday reapu!
1 Year ago

I'm going to be getting no PD for it because I can't cancel it great :'(
1 Year ago
Congratulations! A shiny Easter Buneary hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #254)!

I have both female and males for both evolutions now.. so ig you're an extra m'am. I'll be putting her up for auction soon.
1 Year ago
set up a retro suicine for retro raikou in the gts because I missed the raikou event lol
1 Year ago
By Cardboard_Spaghetti - 21 Hours and 33 Minutes ago.
Share #FeliciaBestGirl for a chance of 100k!

also optional - #FeliciaIsNOTAnExperiment for an extra entry.

we talkin about felicia from darkstalkers? slay
1 Year ago
we either get a shiny mega-able or not a mega-able at all

I don't need 15 of these. They will take forever to sell :/
1 Year ago
Giving an unowned plushie to whoever feeds my shiny easter buneary a berry :) Comment proof on my status!
1 Year ago
Batch 3 of 0 PD Easter Bunearies are up at the auction! Please let everybody get one and don't bid for more than a breeding pair.
1 Year ago
Another 8 Easter Buneary are up at the auction for 0 PD.

My main goal is to give new users one so they don't have to spend a fortune! Event Pokemon are too expensive! If another user, especially a newer one, is bidding on one please don't outbid them. I'll be putting more up after the current 8 are gone.
1 Year ago
Congratulations! A shiny Easter Buneary hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #197)!

We have our 3rd, finally a male <3
Also, it seems like the orginal people who bidded on my extra easter bunearys have been outbidded. I want everybody to have one who wants one, so after these 8 are sold I will be putting another 8 up.
1 Year ago
I've noticed how expensive event Pokemon have became over the years. I'm going to assume this is because of the low amount of players compared to the numbers in, lets say 2016. Also due to it being hard to breed events. In a few minutes I will be mass dropping tons of easter bunearys in the auction shop! They will all start off as 0 PD so everybody has a chance to get one. Please don't take more than a breeding pair so new users can get one as well!
1 Year ago


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
loppbunneary 2 Months ago
loppbunneary 4 Months ago
Bunny_Lord 5 Months ago
loppbunneary 7 Months ago

My PMs are always open! I'm always willing to help somebody or answer questions. I love giving away plushies and extra events I have.

MY PM5 4R3 4LW4Y5 0P3N! 1'M 4LW4Y5 W1LL1NG 70 H3LP 50M380DY 0R 4N7HW3R QU35710N5. 1 L0V3 G1V1NG 4W4Y PLU5H135 4ND 3X7R4 3V3N77H 1 H4V3.

"Your queen bee brings the sweet stuff, so keep making me that sweet, sweet honey!"

Last Visitors

darkvenomThu, 20/Mar/2025, 00:05
angel26569Sun, 26/Jan/2025, 16:40
~ShiningRayquaza~Tue, 14/Jan/2025, 16:07
ShatteredDiamondThu, 09/Jan/2025, 23:51
~Bunny_Lord~Fri, 06/Dec/2024, 08:02


Last Action
Reading the news (12 Days ago)