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Fighting Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 8

Trainerpoints: 79/199


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
564,855 / 9,577
Azurill514,207 / 6,366
Mightyena41955 / 5,167
Staryu33289 / 4,209
Galvantula39259 / 4,681
Vanillite331,113 / 4,209

My Partners (Please CLICK)

My Top Favorite Pokemon

Favorite Water Starters: Squirtle and Froakie
Favorite Fire Starters: Chimchar and Litten
Favorite Grass Starters: Rowlet and Chikorita

Favorite Mythicals:
1. Zeraora
2. Keldeo

Favorite Legendaries:
1. Suicune
2. Mewtwo

Favorite Megas:
1. Mega Mewtwo Y
2. Mega Charizard X
3. Mega Mawille

Favorite Sudo Legendaries
1. Arcanine
2. Dragonite
3. Ninetales (both forms)

Favorite Eeveeloutions:
1. Umbreon
2. Sylveon


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Newest gifts
CreepyJoker 5 Years ago

Game Records

Trainer ID: #39315061
Registration: 15/12/2019 (5 Years ago)
Time Played: 2:22 Hours
Total interactions: 4,787
Money: 9,495
Starter Pokémon: Swampert


New to the game. Enjoying it so far!
5 Years ago

About Me ~^_^~

Hello, I'm AiPikaBlu909, Feel free to call me Chrissie.

☆Work as a Personal Care Worker for Disabled Children
☆In my mid-late 30s, Have an Associates in Early Childhood Education
☆Female, Married, Bisexual She|Her

☆Favorite types are Water, Psychic, Fire, and Fairy
☆Top five pokemon are Wartortle, Sylveon, Mewtwo, Arcanine, Celebi

☆Love Harvest Moon, Animal Crossing, and Pokemon (naturally)
☆Love to Garden, Read and Write Short Stories♥

☆Open to ALL Friend Requests!!

ミ☆Nice to Meet You☆彡.。


Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Last Visitors

SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 21:38
KashiiMon, 11/May/2020, 03:31
C4ndy_G0r3Fri, 08/May/2020, 04:16
MelitodesFri, 27/Dec/2019, 08:05
Audino1999Tue, 24/Dec/2019, 21:29