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Trainerlevel: 27

Trainerpoints: 1,022/2,213


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP

Berry market


Shiny Hunt

Abbes43 is currently hunting Fletchling.
Hunt started: 15/09/2024

Chain: 3


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
FinalBossPotato 5 Days ago
Abbes43 5 Days ago
Abbes43 5 Days ago
Abbes43 5 Days ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Abbes43 hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #932427730
Registration: 26/08/2024 (21 Days ago)
Premium member until 01/Oct/2024
Game Time: 50:17 Hours
Total interactions: 125,998
Money: 414,867
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


How hard is it to breed a legendary with a ditto and is there some you can't?
Yesterday, 12:45
Why does some pokemon take longer to evolve then others of the same pokemon?
8 Days ago
How hard is it to find a ditto?
15 Days ago
15 Days ago
100000 pd to go😊
15 Days ago
17 Days ago
Need to make 250000 pd that's going to take awhile😐😐
17 Days ago
Need more Plushies 😊😊
19 Days ago


Last Action
Storing Pokémon (2 Hours ago)

Last Visitors

Firatyildirim0057Today, 16:14
Chaos207Today, 15:06
Pory_Lover101Today, 00:16
FrostyyYesterday, 11:46
DukeeeeeeYesterday, 11:11