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Rock Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 59

Trainerpoints: 1,481/10,501


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Gothitelle46172 / 6,489
Gothitelle464,484 / 6,489
Gothitelle465,562 / 6,489
Gothitelle464,633 / 6,489
Gothitelle472,205 / 6,798
Gothitelle4858 / 7,113


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
WyvernDaemon 2 Years ago
HepHasTus 2 Years ago
auroradragon93 7 Years ago
-Kim 7 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


About Me

Name:Kat//Current Mood: VERY Busy. Be patient with me~
~Proud owner of the 1st OS Shiny Jolly Jr.~

-You are more then welcome to add me , I will add you in return.
I love to make new friends!
-Have questions or just wanna chat? Palpad or pm me at anytime! I wont bite, I promise!

-Boxes marked "UFT" are for sale/trade. Take a look PalPad me some offers.
-If a box is NOT marked "UFT" It's NOT for sale or trade.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #251227249
Registration: 11/04/2015 (9 Years ago)
Time Played: 1343:56 Hours
Total interactions: 1,628,633
Money: 349,346
Starter Pokémon: Empoleon


Interaction Exchange?
2 Years ago
Interaction Exchange?
7 Years ago
Interaction Exchange?
8 Years ago
By Emera Square - 6 Minutes and 10 Seconds ago.
Results of last Beauty Contest:

Photo #1 - Rank 96 (Rating: 6.09)
Photo #2 - Rank 99 (Rating: 6.07)
Photo #3 - Rank 154 (Rating: 5.80)
Photo #4 - Rank 174 (Rating: 5.69)
Photo #5 - Rank 331 (Rating: 5.14)

You won 1600 Festival Points!

Whoo!! :D
8 Years ago
Interaction Exchange?

8 Years ago


Contact Atalina if you have or find a Rowan quest to have it put in a clicklist.

||Share It||
8 Years ago
Join in on the Lottery fun TODAY!!
-Shiny Regigigas, Registeel, Regice, Regirock
-Mega Stone, Mega-able Banettenstein
-More Mega Ables
-Shiny Pokemon
And even MORE could be added later!!

Need Some Tickets?
Send in x10 of the following gems...
Dark, Flying, Electric, Psychic, Ice
10 tickets each for every x10 common gems you send in!

Non common gems...
x10 fairy gems = 18 Tickets
x1 Dragon gem= 50 Tickets

We even accept PD! Every 25k gets you 25 Tickets!!

When sending ANY entries to me *CheshireSmiles* it MUST be sent with the message "LOTTERY" or they will be taken as donations!

Its easy its fun and everyone has a chance to WIN BIG!
8 Years ago
By DaNGeR_ThE_OnE .

Hey everybody just wanted to let you know that *CheshireSmiles* and myself are going to be doing a special 2 hunter shiny Combee hunt. We'll be selling slots (each slot will be 5 shiny Combee) for 1,000,000 PD or Nugget equivalent. 2 hunters means they'll hatch faster...speak with one of us to reserve a slot and future hunt info will be available HERE shortly
8 Years ago

If we can get a TOTAL of the following gems I will give out prizes early!!!!

-Psychic= 700
-Ice =500
-Electric= 700
-Fairy= 500
-Dragon= 150

Other Gem Sets = x10 Tickets

Fairy Gem Sets of 10= x18 Tickets

Dragon gems x1 = 50 Tickets
(A set of x10 = gets you 550 Tickets!)

Check out the ~Prizes~ here at the Lottery Thread
8 Years ago

Does anyone have any extra large amounts of gems they might consider selling?

Please Palpad if you do! =^~^=
8 Years ago
On a Shiny Hunt?
Bishop offers the following FREE Services:

-Hatching Fossils (2 Hours Max)
-Giratina Quest (1 Day to get your Map)
-Tall Grass (1-2 Days)
-Weather Trio (1-2 Days)
-Considers Map Runs

Unavailable for Services on 2x Days.
8 Years ago

Rowan quest clicklists:

Clicklist 1
Clicklist 2

Contact Atalina if you have or find a Rowan quest to have it put in a clicklist.

||Share It||
8 Years ago

A custom clicklist has been made of Rowan Quests! Please use the list and share to help :D

||Share It||
8 Years ago
I am collecting 100 of each box and key! I'm going to run this with 7 prizes with the top 3 Donators winning the top 3 prizes.
Brown Items - 1 point each
Blue Items - 2 point each
Red/Green/Purple/Pink Items - 3 points each
Gold Items - 4 points each

1st Prize - Shiny Regigigas and a Stardust with 20 Rare Candies
2nd Prize - Shiny Charizard and 10 Fossils with 10 Rare Candies
3rd Prize - Shiny Phione and 5 Fossils with 5 Rare Candies
4-7th Prizes will include Box Contents and Shinies of Easy and Medium Rarity and will be chosen by random.org

Lottery Thread
Please include in the delivery Lottery and Total of points for each sent package! Share It
8 Years ago

If we can get a TOTAL of the following gems I will give out prizes early!!!!

-Psychic= 1000
-Ice =1000
-Electric= 1000
-Fairy= 500
-Dragon= 150

Other Gem Sets = x10 Tickets

Fairy Gem Sets of 10= x18 Tickets
Dragon gems x1 = 50 Tickets
(A set of x10 = gets you 550 Tickets!)

Check out the ~Prizes~ here at the Lottery Thread
8 Years ago

If we can get a total of the following gems I will give out prizes!!!!

-Psychic= 1000
-Ice =1000
-Electric= 1000
-Fairy= 500
-Dragon= 150

Other Gem Sets = x10 Tickets

Fairy Gem Sets of 10= x18 Tickets
Dragon gems x1 = 50 Tickets
(A set of x10 = gets you 550 Tickets!)

Check out the ~Prizes~ here at the Lottery Thread!
8 Years ago
Join in on the Lottery fun TODAY!!
-Shiny Regigigas, Registeel, Regice, Regirock
-Mega Stone, Mega-able Banettenstein
-More Mega Ables
-Shiny Pokemon
And even MORE could be added later!!

Need Some Tickets?
Send in x10 of the following gems...
Dark, Flying, Electric, Psychic, Ice
10 tickets each for every x10 common gems you send in!

Non common gems...
x10 fairy gems = 18 Tickets
x1 Dragon gem= 50 Tickets

We even accept PD! Every 25k gets you 25 Tickets!!

When sending ANY entries to me *CheshireSmiles* it MUST be sent with the message "LOTTERY" or they will be taken as donations!

Its easy its fun and everyone has a chance to WIN BIG!
Share It #LegendaryHatchlings
8 Years ago

Please help!!! Wanting to start another hunt soon but i have a bunch of eggs in the daycare. if everyone would be so kind as to share the hashtag and interact with my party that would help out alot.
thank you all so very much!
8 Years ago
#Ag2Au by Argentis

If we can get this special Minun placed (preferably in 1st, but 2nd and 3rd's good too!), I'll raffle out prizes!

Zygarde gem-bag
2nd: Red Lunar Wing + Adamant Orb
3rd: Mega stone or Black Key
4th: 200 N or x6 Dragon Gem
5th: Adamant Orb OR Shiny hunt (no genderless)

How to Join:
* Spread this hashtag post with links share here = 1 ticket (max 4 daily)
* Train my Minun = 1 ticket
* Berry him = 2 tickets (please provide proof on my post or your share)
* Send me x1 Rare Candy = 5 tickets

Share It | Delibird

You fed AuroraNightshade 2OS a Chesto Berry!

The Pokémon raised by 2,254 Exp. Points.

You have been rewarded with 6 Pokédollar!
8 Years ago
8 Years ago



Last Action
Interacting (2 Years ago)

Last Visitors

~Arceus~Wed, 26/Mar/2025, 10:56
coffeebweadFri, 07/Mar/2025, 10:34
PechajuiceSun, 16/Feb/2025, 23:23
EspevahrThu, 23/Jan/2025, 18:20
PurgatorySun, 15/Dec/2024, 15:40