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Trainerlevel: 15

Trainerpoints: 473/689


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Hoggy6510,076 / 16,089
Butterfree114864 / 39,331
Lugia6715,409 / 17,086
Rapidash10829,241 / 35,317
Candaria15438,721 / 42,967

About Me

Hi!My name is Samantha.I'm a teenage girl who loves pokemon and doesn't seem to be able to stop reading/watching/playing it!I'm a tomboy,but I do have a feminine side,probably 12% of me.The rest is an active girl who hangs out with boys!
I'm from Indonesia by the way.(Viva Indonesia!)


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Newest gifts
User 8 Years ago
Yuki-chan 8 Years ago
Squint 8 Years ago
Rellyk 9 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


xxampire12345 hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #286158754
Registration: 30/08/2014 (9 Years ago)
Game Time: 109:05 Hours
Total interactions: 9,164
Money: 50,987
Starter Pokémon: Venusaur


Going to sleep.
8 Years ago
Ah,the days when I still used PM because I didn't have a palpad yet.

I was so poor.
8 Years ago

For some reason,my wounds never heal.(Both literally and figuratively)
8 Years ago
I got a harvest sprite egg!


How did I get it?!!I wasn't doing anything special!
8 Years ago
I am listening to the songs that signalled the end of my childhood,2012
8 Years ago
Buying a brown mystery key
8 Years ago
You push the light blue key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curious in it...

1x Washing Machine found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.

Um...what is a washing machine used for?
^ ^`
8 Years ago
Help me?

8 Years ago

I_E _EA_
8 Years ago
Congratulations! You already made 1,000 interactions today. Good job!

My first time.But why couldn't it be uring the shaymin or kyurem event?T_T
8 Years ago


If I encountered a Jirachi, I would wish for all the pain to go away...that we could smile through tears and sorrow,experience positive,not negative feelings.
8 Years ago
How to unlock royal tunnel?
8 Years ago
Today,I,Samantha,will save my money for a pokeradar.
This is my resolution.

*Spots a random pokemon on auction*

What a good find!

(There goes my resolution...It didn't even last for 1 minute)
8 Years ago
I want a pokeradar T_T

I want a shiny lugia/Rotom/celebi.

I do have a shiny swablu,but I'm not desperate enough to sell a gift from someone.

*sobs in a corner.*
8 Years ago
Call me the RP ender.

All of the ended Rps I joined has my post as it's last one.


8 Years ago
Hey everyone,can someone buy my rotom on auction.But please be fair,the start bid was accidentaly too small.
8 Years ago
Am I like a boy or girl?
8 Years ago
Interaction exchange
8 Years ago
interaction exchange pls!
8 Years ago
interaction exchange!
8 Years ago



Last Action
Reading a forum thread (4 Years ago)

Last Visitors

RellykThu, 01/Dec/2022, 02:39
AshlieSat, 13/Feb/2021, 11:02
Yuki-chanSun, 07/Oct/2018, 19:17
paintboyWed, 28/Mar/2018, 02:22
Alex_the_TrainerWed, 03/Jan/2018, 08:30