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Flying Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 28

Trainerpoints: 2,323/2,379


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
340321,260 / 434,776
284284,982 / 303,526
18941,163 / 134,664
Gardevoir17759,072 / 118,149
Gardevoir179119,080 / 120,826
Pidgeot17148,431 / 100,839

About Me


anime pic --- takes you to: Valentines Day Event.
Plushie takes you to: Auction House


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Ankaa 7 Years ago
blackphoenixark 8 Years ago
Grolbar 8 Years ago
fwuffeesawruss 8 Years ago

Shiny Hunt

toxxicxx is currently hunting Ralts.
Hunt started: 03/02/2016

Chain: 53
0 1 0

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


toxxicxx hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #52579337
Registration: 31/01/2016 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 144:12 Hours
Total interactions: 795,537
Money: 3,034,445
Starter Pokémon: Torterra


i now have 6000 sweet hearts... who wants valentine cards... i have enough for 120 cards
8 Years ago
Who would Like a Valentines day card? will be sending them out everyday until Valentines day and don't know who to send any too. <3 ^-^
8 Years ago
If the pokemon evolve does it take them off the pokedex?
8 Years ago
When ur trying to do your pokedex but people take the pokemon ur trying to get off the auction house :c lol x:
8 Years ago
Could someone possibly explain to me how to evolve Togepi? idk much about pokeheroes, and how happiness works on here X:
8 Years ago
5th kyurem egg~~ ♥♥♥
8 Years ago
~WhenYouKnow your addicted. x:
8 Years ago
decided to bet all 50,000 of my chips and lost ~~~ :c I'll win eventually.
8 Years ago
i got another Kyurem egg ♥♥♥♥~ ty game <3 ♥
8 Years ago
Got my 100th pokemon today ^-^ ~~ <3
8 Years ago
I got a rattata from my egg wow, so rare, so... so... ratish... x:
8 Years ago
Enjoying my first time ever, on pokeheroes :)
8 Years ago



Last Action
Viewing a Pokemon (6 Years ago)

Last Visitors

ShinekiaraThu, 06/Jun/2024, 23:50
CyberBot88Mon, 12/Feb/2024, 10:15
AnkaaTue, 19/Dec/2023, 04:36
WyvernDaemonThu, 07/Sep/2023, 07:27
TonyPandaTue, 04/Apr/2023, 01:28