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Trainerlevel: 21

Trainerpoints: 490/1,343


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Pienda23576 / 1,326

about me

hey guys im star/ditto/tord/ed she/her or they/them
i have autism and adhd and i regret my old messages so i end up silently doing my own thing. though if i end up talking to you its probably because i share a main fandom with you. i like the band collective soul. right now that's about it. (i also like other 90s rock acts and homestar runner, though. and i used to adore splatoon and vocaloid, think i talked about those before.) ask me for my discord if we're close, i do everything there.

i also found out how to embed images here so heres my sona with rose-tinted glasses (and some birthday stuff)


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Newest gifts
Jugomourse001 26 Days ago
LALVOE 1 Month ago
eisner 4 Months ago
Squeeeeep 4 Months ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Startastic hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #963346608
Registration: 25/09/2018 (6 Years ago)
Game Time: 427:53 Hours
Total interactions: 92,090
Money: 1,668,279
Starter Pokémon: Samurott


logged in and realized a lot of people i recognized from years ago (friendslist or otherwise) are.. back. oftentimes their message feed looks like a million things from three years ago and one from like a week ago. i'm deciding to join them. though i'm still not gonna be active here.
3 Months ago
oh goodness, an scs right when i come back
i'll be clicking
a lot
3 Years ago
finally got my new computer

expect me to be slightly less dead from here on out
3 Years ago
#MyBestExperience getting Cakey, thus why i still have her with cheese on my party at all times. It's jsut like "hey here are my anniversary mons i dont play this anymore tho"
4 Years ago
me when im writing about something based off of a roblox game where half the time we roleplay about a large amount of 1 character: "This is easy!" *writes 8+ paragraphs*
me when i have to write a paragraph about anything school related: "I'll wait." "I'm done!" *actually wrote a fifth of what we're supposed to* "can i NOT write this?" -mind

this probably represents everyone ever in the evers of history, and not just me.
and also the roblox game is the 2nd one in my favorites list currently as im typing this
i'll go back into my pokeheroes slumber now
4 Years ago
i keep on writing stuff here thats a paragraph+ meant to go in a feed
but i dont post it as a feed and usually either post it in my diary or somewhere else, sometimes scrapping it entirely.
so hi. im not dead.
4 Years ago
its been a year since i got cheese and i only just realized he's a boy-
4 Years ago
By Anniversary - 16 Hours and 43 Minutes ago.
You've been a member on PokéHeroes for more than 2 Years now!

→ Claim your gift
my egg is the strawberry cake, and if you follow my diary you probably know what im gonna name it (no spoilers/guesses tho)
i thought it would be given to me tomorrow which is the 25th of this month, when i actually joined, but eh
I got cheese 1 year ago, i feel old now
4 Years ago
i woke up from my slumber just to say that my 2 year anniversary on this site is in 6 days (EST time, because it's a half-hour away from midnight on the server time so soon it'll be 5 days) so yay
i'm gonna go back in my PH slumber now
4 Years ago
Ditto, Latias, or Chikorita.
4 Years ago


Startastic backwards is "Cit-Sat-Rats"
4 Years ago
i want a shaymin but i'm too good at procrastinating
like and comment for a massclick (ends at 10 unless i dont get a shaymin)
4 Years ago
so i can actually be that "trend-digger" i mentioned in the comments of my new poll post, but didn't "[come] 5 years late..."
what is your opinion and/or first impression of me? (make sure to mark if it's first impressions to make it clearer)
i'm waiting for those "who the heck are you?"
4 Years ago
i dunno why i didn't say this when i actually got her,
but the landlord made another deal with my dad and now we have Porsha.
i think i got her june 26th so yeah credit the date i got her as june 26th.
i think thats all for now lol
4 Years ago
so a few days ago i noticed my beedrill line was missing weedle and kakuna. So i go to the safari zone and adopt a weedle, and a female bedrill to breed with my male one to get a weedle, which in the plan i'd evolve it into a beedrill and then take the beedrills out of the daycare to store as a breeding pair. But, i went into my storage boxes the minute before reset, and noticed that the weedle i had adopted was mega able. So now, i will put the money in the daycare, wait, and get 2 eggs. One will stay a weedle, one a kakuna, and Mega-able weedle will evolve into a beedrill, and then a mega beedrill when i get a mega stone. That's my plan!
4 Years ago
I decided to resize and use my Rose avatar i have also been using on TBT and Discord.
4 Years ago
i saw an everstone being sold for a million pd at the item shop.

an everstone, worth 200 PD at most.
1 everstole. think about that!
4 Years ago
By Iccywolf today at 23:47
Hey........ummm imma need to take that giveaway back......because I noticed a lot of people saying it’s going to be for premium so I decided why not go for half a year of premium. that’s right I’m giving away a smoler amount than 2k.......I’m giving away 4K lol anyway share this post AND share the hashtag #littlestinkernumberdos lol anyway good luck.
4 Years ago



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Opening mystery boxes (15 Days ago)

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H0ll0wD0llTue, 29/Oct/2024, 02:16
MoonScrimSun, 27/Oct/2024, 01:21
OrangePopplioFri, 13/Sep/2024, 07:24
haisyhdaisyhMon, 02/Sep/2024, 01:47
CheskingMon, 02/Sep/2024, 00:48