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Trainerlevel: 23

Trainerpoints: 1,461/1,609


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Ambipom645,891 / 9,985
Super Shroom6924,155 / 25,989
Haunter619,809 / 11,871
Amoonguss56406 / 9,577
Haunter599,155 / 11,061
Reuniclus616,194 / 11,871


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
nextname 8 Years ago
CreepyJoker 8 Years ago
~Amaranthe~flo 8 Years ago
eziocreed 8 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


pokefox hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #890465342
Registration: 16/11/2015 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 139:45 Hours
Total interactions: 151,204
Money: 199,486
Starter Pokémon: Meganium


finally got my first shiny!
8 Years ago
Results of last Beauty Contest:

Photo #1 - Rank 51 (Rating: 6.49)
Photo #2 - Rank 236 (Rating: 5.73)
Photo #3 - Rank 314 (Rating: 5.57)
Photo #4 - Rank 358 (Rating: 5.49)
Photo #5 - Rank 817 (Rating: 4.62)

Can't believe one of my photos is in the top 100! :3
8 Years ago
is anyone selling whipped dreams?
8 Years ago
interaction exchange?
8 Years ago
visit my booth at berry market :3
8 Years ago

8 Years ago
Please help me hatch my egg!
8 Years ago
I'm looking to exchange a pink key for a green box or any other key
8 Years ago
only 6 levels till my noctowl reaches level 100
8 Years ago
Please train my noctowl
8 Years ago
Please train with my noctowl
8 Years ago
8 Years ago
Please, train with my noctowl
8 Years ago
Please train my hoothoot
8 Years ago
This is my first give away and this is how it works.
1. Share this and get 1 ticket (sharing more then once doesn't get you more tickets)
2. 1 normal gem = 1 ticket
pretty simple.
player who comes in First place gets a Shiny Bulbasaur. player who comes in second gets 3x Dragon gems and 50K PD
The end date is December 25, 2015. GL to everyone
8 Years ago

Share This Hashtag if i see that someone share it there is higher chance you will be in lucky 5

Good Luck to All

Also 1 Random player will win 5 Dragon Gems
8 Years ago
You have already interacted with Wiggles today!

It's important for Pokémon to be in contact with as much people as possible, to collect a wide variety of experiences.
Come back tomorrow again!
8 Years ago

Ditto (From Markpliers Lab Hunt)

All You Have To Do To Join This Very Special Raffle Is..Just Post The Hastag Then Your Qualified!

It Ends When he Hatches A Ditto... Share To Increase Your Chance
8 Years ago
trading keys and boxes
8 Years ago
is anyone trading or selling dragon gems?
8 Years ago


Last Action
Managing Pokémon-Party (8 Years ago)

Last Visitors

Bubbly~Tue, 11/Jul/2023, 14:33
FriendWed, 14/Oct/2020, 17:34
reapuWed, 20/May/2020, 08:12
--HitoshiKitsune--Thu, 03/Jan/2019, 23:39
Alpha~GoatFri, 14/Dec/2018, 20:40