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Fairy Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 33

Trainerpoints: 123/3,299


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Oshawott41353,209 / 603,231
Zebstrika54175 / 8,911
Seaking553,705 / 9,241
Breloom565,120 / 11,492
Quagsire572,761 / 9,919
Ursaring571,678 / 9,919

About Me



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Newest gifts
Dionysus 8 Years ago
Dionysus 8 Years ago
oops 8 Years ago
Dionysus 8 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


ozozoz hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #817132865
Registration: 12/05/2016 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 446:07 Hours
Total interactions: 1,166,915
Money: 261,063
Starter Pokémon: Oshawott


Berry Juice (Sweet):
1x Honey
3x Pecha Berry
3x Watmel Berry
3x Wacan Berry
3x Mago Berry

hocam sen neden?
8 Years ago


Last Action
Reading the news (7 Years ago)

Last Visitors

TheMadScientistMon, 06/Nov/2017, 18:20
oakmistTue, 21/Jun/2016, 20:32
CrochetGamerSat, 18/Jun/2016, 13:09
AwooIsMyNameSat, 18/Jun/2016, 11:22
DragonSumedhSat, 18/Jun/2016, 06:09