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Grass Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 37

Trainerpoints: 944/4,143


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Dialga20181 / 1,576
Durant482,132 / 7,057
Raticate502,662 / 7,651
Ledian576,316 / 7,935
Vanillish395,222 / 5,851
Butterfree507,530 / 7,651

About Me


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Newest gifts
utkarsh15 7 Years ago
Snowkit 7 Years ago
VegetaJrSkyDragon 7 Years ago
sabrinacipher17 7 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


madeinstuch hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #666634893
Registration: 09/03/2015 (9 Years ago)
Game Time: 335:49 Hours
Total interactions: 256,866
Money: 1,875,288
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


help me hatch my party please for the advent calendar
7 Years ago
#MyBestGiftEver a lot of kinder chocolate !
7 Years ago
who is the pokemon in the Vortex of Time ?
7 Years ago
help me level up him please
I'll return with berries
8 Years ago
What is the pokemon related to the Hollow map ?
8 Years ago
Selling dark ponyta PD me if you're interessed
8 Years ago
wanna christmas gift ?
comment here :)
8 Years ago
better health for my family, and a job !
8 Years ago
chocolate !
8 Years ago
I'm selling or trading these pokemon on my box here
Please palpad me
8 Years ago
looking for friend code on pokemon Y for the safari
8 Years ago
Congratulations! A shiny Magikarp hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #48)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.
8 Years ago
Does the event egg break a shiney chain ?
9 Years ago
I'm trading these pokemon


PM me if you're interessed :)
9 Years ago
does anyone is ready for a battle ?
9 Years ago


Last Action
Managing Pokémon-Party (5 Years ago)

Last Visitors

Adam~Sun, 05/Dec/2021, 08:29
SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 22:45
ItsJeBoyDaanSun, 24/May/2020, 05:54
EliktrasSun, 07/Oct/2018, 22:55
red007Tue, 17/Apr/2018, 08:18