i hope everyone's been okay and that this place is thriving! i
still love it so much better than pokefarm and am looking forward
to more chill days on here

hey gamers!!! long time no see! forgive me for being inactive for
soooo long, i put some games on hold for awhile due to irl
responsibilities + personal ambitions but i really missed playing
this and am now hoping to play it more! currently looking to check
in at least once a day to return clicks and work on my dex, please
bear with me if i can't get back to everyone qwq

just missed a rare egg.. how unlucky q__q

i thought you could get a giratina egg from this event but it is
only an item oof

i am always so broke after i buy a new storage box akjshfdk

autumn ampharos is so cute,, i'm gonna go and see how i can obtain

i wish sinnoh starters had mega or even gigamax forms too,, i'm
sure they would look really cool if they did!

i am sorry if i am slower w/ interactions today than usual, due to
family issues i am low on energy today + my mental health is
not that great currently.. i hope you guys are doing better than me
at least

rowan made me level up his nincada sadie for him for the past
couple days and all he gave me was 5 pokeballs?? certainly am never
doing anything for that old fart again

good morning!! does anyone know how i can set up my contact links?
preferably w/ icons, like i've seen other folks do :0

i wanted to click my empoleon but instead of clicking "train" i
clicked "released" and almost got rid of my starter pokemon that
way akjshjkfd


i've been tryna to snatch a ditto from the lab but that has proven
to be difficult

hey! sorry if i'm a bit slow with returning reactions, i am just
drawing most of the time which i tend to get lost into

good morning gamers, is there a way for me to organize the pokemon
in my storage boxes? i'd like to re-arrange them differently but
idk if that's even possible :thinking:

do any of y'all do pokeplushie commissions? if so pls do let me
know! i'd love to order one of my pokesona :0 <3

gonna take it easy w/ interactions today by only focusing on
unreturned favors 👌