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Fairy Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 30

Trainerpoints: 2,482/2,729


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Lampent866,103 / 24,441
Vanilluxe497,947 / 9,189

Last Visitors

YakoWed, 05/Jun/2024, 23:06
sukoneteiSun, 07/Jan/2024, 19:43
TemyTue, 31/Oct/2023, 12:37
CrescendoSun, 01/Oct/2023, 06:20
SatoruGojoMon, 04/Sep/2023, 12:04

Pokémon I like

(scroll down)

Favorite Pokémon

Strongest OT Pokémon ———> Samyan_MMX

In memory of lostwithdark+first mega

First shiny

First lab shiny+hatched shiny

First pokeradar shiny

Game Records

Trainer ID: #991136264
Registration: 30/05/2021 (3 Years ago)
Time Played: 237:44 Hours
Total interactions: 223,504
Money: 32,136
Starter Pokémon: Ivysaur


I exist, don’t worry
3 Years ago
All the index eggs are just being spammed open
3 Years ago
I’d be willing to let someone borrow the Pokémon needed for today’s door
3 Years ago
Retro egg gift?
3 Years ago
Interaction exchange?
3 Years ago
#MyGoalForNextYear Go outside
3 Years ago
I apologize if anyone has sent me a pp or pm, I currently cannot read them
3 Years ago
Use this feed to keep updated on what others have chosen
3 Years ago
And the results are
1st PenguinPowerful
2nd Fuzzyirulz
3rd Maniac
4th RanbooMyBeloved
5th Tuna
6th Sagamohr
7th ThatNinetalesTrainer
8th Kathcate
9th ~mew
10th Solipse
11th Mr_Frosthgon
12th WarHawk
13th BlueManokit69
You will be pm/pp’ed very shortly

Please note that if you are lower down the list, it may take a bit longer before you can claim your prize.

And since I may be sleeping some may expect a longer wait
3 Years ago
One more person, then in about an hour or two (or possibly tomorrow) I will reveal the order
3 Years ago
If it completely flops I’ll combine some things together, the people who commented on the original will still get stuff
And it seems I do need a hashtag
3 Years ago
Giving away the stuff I have

The first 13 people that comment will be put in a randomizer, the one chosen first will pick first, second picks second, etc.

Rewards are:
-420 grass gems, 20 dragon gems and 24 fairy gems
-The rest of my gems
-Pokeballs and “Other” items
-“Valuables” and Evo items
-Forme-change and berries
-38 mystery items
-Ultra Saddle
-Mega Latias
-All mega-ables
-Regirock, ice and steel+mew
-3 shadows and a shiny combee
-Reshiram (when it hatches) and Zekrom
-375k to 400k pd

Any Pokémon in my boxes are for free, except for my special box which I may give later, and possibly any others that have a unique property.
Oh also events
Obviously, all prizes are not evenly priced, so you’ll just have to hope you can pick first :)
Good luck!

Is a hashtag really necessary?
3 Years ago
Woohoo, I’m officially mostly inactive
3 Years ago
I might wait a few more days before I leave or not, if I do I’ll put most of the stuff I have to the GTS or to a friend
3 Years ago
I’m thinking of quitting the site, at least for me it’s getting a bit repetitive, and I’m just not really enjoying it anymore
3 Years ago
I chose vampires
3 Years ago
Got 2 dragon gems from a mystery box and 5 more from another, seems my luck is finally improving again
3 Years ago
By Teller - 5 Hours and 50 Minutes ago.
Not a huge giveaway, but I'm gonna do #HuntForGems to promote the thing that I'm adding on to my attempt to shiny hunt Ditto. I'll be hunting event and non-shiny, non-mythical shiny Pokemon for people with low costs of Normal gems AND the total amount of gems will be added to the "Donation" list in case anyone wants to aim at getting a leftover Ditto from my hunt! More info can be found on my Hunt 4 Normal Gems area on my userpage!

Now, I mentioned this is a giveaway and you might be wondering what I'm giving away. The prize will go to one person and will be some mixed berries, a Star Piece, some fossils of varying kinds, a Vortex of Time (Map), and 95 Nuggets!

When will my giveaway end and how do you enter, you wonder? Glad you asked! Let's say it ends on my next day off, so Sunday, probably around the time I wake up or something, and you can enter by sharing this WHOLE feed!
3 Years ago
“ Can you get me 3x Berry Juice (Spicy)? I really need a cool drink right now.”
This doesn’t even make sense
3 Years ago
3 Years ago


Last Action
Reading the news (2 Years ago)


Highly into Percy Jackson and Pokémon Adventures

Geography geek

Will log on about once a month; expect VERY low activity

Color - Orange
Animal - Penguin

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4