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Rock Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 13

Trainerpoints: 58/519


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LionsEye 23 Days ago
Shiny 1 Month ago
Shiny 1 Month ago
LALVOE 1 Month ago

Shiny Hunt

egg6201 is currently hunting Pumplin.
Hunt started: 01/08/2024

Chain: 15

Game Records

Trainer ID: #138212826
Registration: 28/07/2024 (1 Month ago)
Game Time: 11:20 Hours
Total interactions: 8,145
Money: 145,566
Starter Pokémon: Venusaur


is it normal for breeding to slow down significantly after like the first day?? cuz i used to get an egg every 2 ish hours and now i regularly go like 5-7 hours without getting a single one 😭😭
1 Month ago
