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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 27

Trainerpoints: 1,428/2,213


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Altaria432,130 / 4,769
Sawsbuck (Autumn)665,169 / 13,267
Staraptor599,328 / 11,061
Tentacruel549,084 / 11,139
Weepinbell697,226 / 15,405
Luxray7012,950 / 15,878


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Silver_Moon 7 Years ago
Flohpulver 7 Years ago
Miin 7 Years ago
Cute 7 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


dracbloodstone hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #356692516
Registration: 10/11/2015 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 146:58 Hours
Total interactions: 35,376
Money: 1,163,427
Starter Pokémon: Infernape


#MyWishForChristmas is an army of sylveons
7 Years ago
#MyBestGiftEver games
7 Years ago
#MyWishForChristmas is to be able to finish this advent calendar
8 Years ago
#WhatMakesMeHappy my dogs
8 Years ago


Last Action
Managing Pokémon-Party (6 Years ago)

Last Visitors

SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 22:04
JungkookieSat, 08/Jul/2017, 12:25
abhimanyu11Thu, 06/Jul/2017, 13:59
~The_Lighting_Mod_WolfMon, 03/Jul/2017, 23:06
KaizokuThu, 22/Jun/2017, 07:29