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Dark Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
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Trainerlevel: 13

Trainerpoints: 8/519


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Hariyama518,138 / 11,883
Wailord7515,795 / 32,379
Entei703,556 / 18,639
Golbat54212 / 8,911
Primal Groudon13216,526 / 65,836

About Me




View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Articuno218 8 Years ago
Taria 8 Years ago
CreepyJoker 8 Years ago
Tarawr 8 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


destroyer59 hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #56570636
Registration: 21/04/2016 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 53:15 Hours
Total interactions: 712
Money: 100,756
Starter Pokémon: Emboar


You found 23x Event Points in this treasure box!

Yeah got that
8 Years ago
if were busy in that time or talking to someone else how can we answer and then i ask sorry to then they put in blocklist what can i do
8 Years ago
selling this
8 Years ago
selling this
8 Years ago
By Mohak
This raffle will follow until my 3rd shiny aerodactyl. There should be at least 50 participants in it till it ends.
Spread this hashtag and interact with eggs to win prizes. The more you interact and spread this hashtag the more are your chances of wining the prizes.
The prizes are as follows:
1) 300k pd, 2 shinies of my choice and 6 golden keys
2) 150k pd, 4 golden keys and 2 meteorites.
3) 50k pd, 2 golden keys and 3 event pokemons.
Good Luck!
8 Years ago

You have already interacted with Lorelei today!

It's important for Pokémon to be in contact with as much people as possible, to collect a wide variety of experiences.
Come back tomorrow again!
8 Years ago

You have already interacted with Lorelei today!

It's important for Pokémon to be in contact with as much people as possible, to collect a wide variety of experiences.
Come back tomorrow again!
8 Years ago
pls interact
8 Years ago
selling mystery boxes only for 11k or 12k inteested palpad
8 Years ago
a entie on aution
8 Years ago

by- pranjal12
1 million pd + power bracer mega lottery
You can buy tickets by sending key or box
2 normal key = 1 ticket
1 normal box = 1 ticket
1 gold key = 1 ticket
1 gold box = 2 ticket
Sharing this hashtag will make your chance to win 100k

The winners name will be announced after a month.

Others who win will get 2000 pd
8 Years ago
#one million lotery

by- pranjal12
1 million pd + power bracer mega lottery
You can buy tickets by sending key or box
2 normal key = 1 ticket
1 normal box = 1 ticket
1 gold key = 1 ticket
1 gold box = 2 ticket
Sharing this hashtag will make your chance to win 100k

The winners name will be announced after a month.

Others who win will get 2000 pd
8 Years ago
any not having megas can battle with me now
8 Years ago
please hatch my eggs
8 Years ago
won an auction.

Auction: Latios (Your bid: 100000 ). The Pokémon has been transferred.


yes finally got the pokemon
8 Years ago
Selling normal and dark gems intrested palpad me
8 Years ago
any body have white or black kuerm for sale please palpad me
8 Years ago
i am back with full legendary
8 Years ago



Last Action
Browsing through notifications (8 Years ago)

Last Visitors

ZuverniousThu, 05/Jan/2023, 18:16
SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 22:02
Lord_RedMon, 09/Mar/2020, 02:50
Dai07Sun, 16/Dec/2018, 05:55
Ashketchum33Thu, 16/Aug/2018, 11:20