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Trainerlevel: 17

Trainerpoints: 345/883


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Butterfree7316,124 / 16,207
Graveler692,614 / 15,405
Weezing631,938 / 12,097
Seismitoad6712,790 / 14,478
Gastrodon (East)657,214 / 12,871
Igglybuff789,345 / 14,790

About Me

I am cooolinamaza10 on YouTube.
^*^- Misu the Vulpix says, "Have a nice day!"
(btw my fav utuber-as many ppl on other games ask- is Aparri)

Pokemon Info:
Favourite types (first 5 in order): Fairy, Dragon, Dark, Water, Grass
Least favourite type: Bug (whadaya know?!)
Favourite Pokemon:
10: Pachirisu
9: Zoroark
8: Zorua
7: Meowstic
6: Hydriegon
5: Caterpie
4: Eevee
3: Umbreon
2: Sylveon
1: Minccino

First card (still have it, recieved it 3 years ago): Rare Minccino (full-card foil)

Personal info I'm comfortable to say :D
Age: 12
Grade: 7!
Best Friends (games and life): All my friends are my besties
Religiousness (out of 10): 1.8/10
Fave Music : Either Rap, Pop, Punk Rock, Pop Rock, Rock, and Heavy Metal....
Any Crushes?: 7 (in life, not games)

a few Pokemon(i have over 130, so i cant put 'em all there :()!


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
mashrik 7 Years ago
mashrik 7 Years ago
mashrik 8 Years ago
mashrik 8 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


cooolinamaza hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #297862776
Registration: 28/02/2016 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 131:03 Hours
Total interactions: 17,516
Money: 106,776
Starter Pokémon: Blastoise


hello, friends. im sorry its been so long, im going to be inactive for another while, sorry....
7 Years ago
first time on in 8 months, i completely forgot about this game, im ashamed of myself....
7 Years ago
who wants to 1v1 lvls under 80 no auto battle me?
8 Years ago
do retro eggs from the game center break your chain?
8 Years ago
plz help me with a video i will be making in september by voting on polls 2 and 3 on my profile (if you play that game (if not, why not join so you can vote?))
8 Years ago
5 hours of egg possibilities in my daycare,mthey better give at least 2, and one of them better be shiny, the shiny one, i want female, the other, hopefully female, in fact, i just want female eevees for a change!
8 Years ago
i have about an 17% chance of hatching a female eevee

tell me how many female eevee's you've hatched out of your total of hatched eevees and i will calculate how good you chances are
if you dont know how many eeves you've hatched in total, make an educated guess to how many you have
8 Years ago
This user has put you on their blocklist. We are afraid that you can no longer contact them.

-again. this is sad. reallly sad.
8 Years ago
This user has put you on their blocklist. We are afraid that you can no longer contact them.

-i think its becuz i outbid them XD
8 Years ago
when you try to catch you last shellder:
Magikarp(i dont have a pun for a magikarp)
Sea(not the)king
Sea(not the)king
8 Years ago
what are oval stones used for?
8 Years ago
Your Pokédex analysis

Prof. Rowan's analysis of your Normal Pokédex:

Pokédex entries: 251

"I'm impressed! I never imagined you hatching so many eggs! Keep working like this!"

i betcha he thought i would only have one pokemon... CX
8 Years ago
Trainerlevel: 16

8 Years ago
You can't send a Plushie to yourself!

why not? im just buying a plushie!!
8 Years ago
how do you fill out dof (date of birth) on pokefarm, anyone know? ANYONE?
8 Years ago
Hermione Granger explored Rocky Cave for 12 hours.
It discovered 3.80% new of this area.
It found 1,026 while rumbling, yay!

*money money money!*
8 Years ago
*falls asleep for 5 minutes while watching youtube*
*wakes up and shrieks*
wait, what was i doing again, oh ya you- *falls asleep until 4 am* -tube!

--btw i fell asleep the first time at 2 am XD
8 Years ago
By Auction House - 1 Hour and 44 Minutes ago.
You won an auction.

Auction: Tentacool (Retro) (Your bid: 20010 ). The Pokémon has been transferred.


8 Years ago
19 more exp to be at level 16
8 Years ago
am i the only one who finds this hilarious?
8 Years ago



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Viewing a Userprofile (7 Years ago)

Last Visitors

kraytfraytSun, 24/Oct/2021, 10:58
SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 21:56
ChrysLeTacoThu, 03/Dec/2020, 11:23
mashrikFri, 18/Sep/2020, 03:57
CloudKitsune838Sat, 12/Oct/2019, 00:15