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Trainerlevel: 20

Trainerpoints: 916/1,219


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Basculin (Red)9021,144 / 24,571
Grumpig1228,572 / 36,015


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
G0471Y 3 Years ago
enderknux 6 Years ago
MissMilli218 6 Years ago
aquatic 6 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


alvadiadi123 hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #693011202
Registration: 09/07/2014 (9 Years ago)
Game Time: 112:38 Hours
Total interactions: 18,036
Money: 64,766
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


Want To Buy / Want To Borrow

Delibird, Spheal, and Vanillite.

If you gonna sell them, place your price in here or PalPad me ;)
6 Years ago

Be better in next year and get enough money to buy 3DS Console + C*N*N Camera
6 Years ago
#IAmThankfulFor all my friends and my family, and to God too ;)
6 Years ago

You can win over 2000 Nuggets+, Zygarde, Xerneas, 1x Mega Stones,1.000.000 pokedollars and a Shiny Legend! and many more to be added as participation increases .
Click here for more info!

[Delibird Delivery] || [About this Raffle]
8 Years ago
Hey, i want to ask something

I have completed the advent calendar from 1st December - 24th December with 21 opened door.

But i just looked the advent calendar page and i see this http://prntscr.com/9l3jq0

Are i must choose the calendar again ?

8 Years ago
Happy New Year for all PH user and my friend :)

From Batam, Indonesia
8 Years ago
I am very happy, because today is my birthday and i get the 1 weeks premium account from Advent Calendar :)

Thanks Riako
8 Years ago
Anyone want to interaction exchange ?
I will return with berries :)
8 Years ago
Need Spheal,Delibird, and Vanililite
please coment in how much price you sell it

or maybe we can trade, please check my box in http://pokeheroes.com/userboxes?name=alvadiadi123 or http://pokeheroes.com/userboxes.php?name=alvadiadi123&box=2

8 Years ago
Hi, today i will breed a frosty kecleon & winter numel

umm... are you want one of them ? comment here :)
i will give you free for christmast gift and my birthday in 24th December :)
8 Years ago
Interaction exchange ?

Warm my egg in party and i will warm/feed your pokemon with berries
8 Years ago
WTB : a Gold boxes

if you have a gold boxes please comment here and tells your price
8 Years ago

I can get best score and get the best rank in my class
8 Years ago

You fed Fire Baby Entei a Lum Berry!

The Pokémon raised by 17,073 Exp. Points.

You have been rewarded with 12 Pokédollar!
8 Years ago
By Shizuka

[Christmas/New Year Gifts] Raffle - Limited

If you want to get a chance to win one of the gifts:
Comment here & name your:
1. fav. Animal
2. fav. Colors (limit: 5)
3. accessory/clothing you like (limit: 3)
4. 1 Theme (ex. Horror, Flowers,...)

List everything in the same comment - ONE Comment Per Person.
Questions only per PalPad/PM
8 Years ago
Are anyone have a Mystery Box (Gold) ?
can i buy it ?

Please comment your offer here
8 Years ago
Hey, wanna exchange interaction ?
i will use berry to your party
8 Years ago
camp with scout member, playing game with friend
8 Years ago
anyone have a Shotee Bells ?

Can i buy 1 or 2

8 Years ago
Guys please interact with my egg in my party

8 Years ago


Last Action
Browsing through notifications (5 Years ago)

Last Visitors

SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 21:39
joshua777Tue, 03/Aug/2021, 05:59
ShizukaWed, 31/Mar/2021, 13:30
Leicester_For_LifeFri, 12/Feb/2021, 07:25
G0471YMon, 13/Jul/2020, 06:24