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Steel Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 9

Trainerpoints: 48/251


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Rapidash433,708 / 5,677
Pinsir23 / 24


allenthegreat hasn't collected any medals so far.

Last Visitors

AkuseruFri, 13/Sep/2024, 12:51
Orca~Thu, 12/Sep/2024, 20:48
CgeasterThu, 12/Sep/2024, 07:16
YannickWed, 11/Sep/2024, 04:16
XiuHan7513Tue, 10/Sep/2024, 23:25


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Newest gifts
Akuseru 5 Days ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Last Action
Reading the news (1 Day ago)

Game Records

Trainer ID: #352557370
Registration: 09/09/2024 (9 Days ago)
Game Time: 5:35 Hours
Total interactions: 10,274
Money: 447
Starter Pokémon: Venusaur


Howdy howdy y’all! I’m opening my art commissions soon, and will also be doing users click list for nuggets of pokedollars!!
6 Days ago
Howdy howdy yall!
8 Days ago

☾ 山乇ㄥ匚ㄖ爪乇 ☽

卄乇ㄥㄥㄖ! 山乇ㄥ匚ㄖ爪乇, 山乇ㄥ匚ㄖ爪乇, ᗪㄖ 几ㄖㄒ 乃乇 丂卄ㄚ 匚ㄖ爪乇 丨几!

I am your guide to this profile, and it is a pleasure to meet you, and even bigger honor for you to look at my profile!! I'm Allen, and I'll be showing you around from here on out.

I'm an artist, writer, and I love digital art! I enjoy watching Pokemon, reading about it, and drawing/writing about it! I think Pokemon is such a unique and magical world where anyone can be anything (hehe...get my reference?) I collect Pokemon cards (not religiously lol). I'm simply a silly guy in a silly world!
My favorite Pokemon has to be Girafarig! I know they're not the best, most powerful in the world, but I can't help to give it a little aww when I see them!
My least favorite...has to be Blacephalon (PLEASE DON"T COME FOR ME!!) I'm not sure why, but the face thingy creeps me out!

My favorite Pokemon show has to be indigo league! I know I know, thats such an old show, who even likes it anymore? Well, to that, I say MEHHH!! I know the animation is horrible at moments, but it raised me. I have an emotional bond to it lol! Well, I suppose that is all. I hope you have a terrific day or night, whenever you might be reading this!

☾ 卂乃ㄖㄩㄒ ☽

几卂爪乇: Allen
卩尺ㄖ几ㄖㄩ几丂: He/They
丂乇乂ㄩ卂ㄥ丨ㄒㄚ:Panromantic, asexual, and polyamourus
Ꮆ乇几ᗪ乇尺:Trans (FTM), demiboy
几卂ㄒ丨ㄖ几卂ㄥ丨ㄒㄚ:rEd WhItE (and) bLuE!!1!
千卂ᐯ ㄒ卄丨几Ꮆ丂:
- pokemon
- warrior cats
- plushies
- south park

☾ 尺ㄩㄥ乇丂 ☽

1. Follow basic guidelines for pokeheroes.
2. Please respect others. You don't have to like them, but you should still respect them.
3. These rules only apply to my page, so you technically don't HAVE to follow them or whatever. But it would be nice! ^^