What's a resolute stone for?
Could you guys help me level my slowpoke, please? I'm trying to
beat Oak and his is 12 levels ahead of mine.
How do people get the special versions of Vivillion? I've tried
breeding them, but I just get the normal ones.
I have moomoo milk for sale in my booth, if anyone is interested.
How do you evolve Alolan Vulpix? I can't seem to figure it out.
Can anyone spare some pokedollars? I need to upgrade my storage
For anyone that's interested, I have a Graveler up in the auction
house with an everstone. So, it won't evolve when it trades.
I don't know if I'm doing this right, but please help me hatch this
Does anybody know if there is another cooking pot after the one
that looks like Clefairy?
Can you guys help me hatch my eggs, please?
Does anyone have a female squirtle, wartortle, or Blastoise that
they would be willing to let me borrow?
for anyone that's interested, i have combee for sale in the auction
Can you guys help me hatch my eggs please?
Can anybody spare some pokedollars so I can get another storage
Anybody willing to sell some moomoo milk?
Is it possible to gift pokemon to someone?
Can someone help me? I'm trying to accept a trade in the GTS, but
it keeps saying "Critical error: Mismatch between Pokemon amount!"
I don't understand the problem, and I can't seem to find anything
about it on the wiki page.
Can anybody spare some pokedollars? Or tell me the best ways to get
more? Please?