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Fairy Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 30

Trainerpoints: 709/2,729


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
323187,935 / 251,166
Smug Icecream
321235,026 / 310,087


Last Visitors

Ghosty_SharkThu, 26/Sep/2024, 16:49
Kaladin_StormblessedWed, 04/Sep/2024, 02:30
Orca~Thu, 25/Jul/2024, 18:11
vstarTue, 23/Jul/2024, 08:56
xRedactedWed, 28/Feb/2024, 02:04


VirtusDomini hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #398281026
Registration: 03/08/2020 (4 Years ago)
Time Played: 398:26 Hours
Total interactions: 352,647
Money: 19,925
Starter Pokémon: Swampert


Every once in a while I still check here.
Like suddenly it will go back to how it was
They will go back to how they where
Like I'll wake up and see good morning messages from them all
Like they where still able to send them
Like they where still here
1 Year ago
Man I miss you all so much, idek how to speak to people anymore
1 Year ago
Anyone want to chat a bit over xbox? Im just super bored and boiling alive. Its at like 28 degrees celsius over here.
3 Years ago
Hey?... Been a but huh. I noticed I still had this tab open on my phone it hit me how much I missed you all, so this is me. Back. Im not going to ask if you all can just let me back into your lives and it all go back to normal but I would like to try and chat to all of you and catch up on what I missed. If you guys would like that?
3 Years ago
Im going to be leaving ph djue to my new 2 hour commute to get to school etc I only have 4 hours of time awake per day at home. And i spend most of that sleeping bcs im crazily sleep deprived. BUT I do use snapchat insta and discord sometimes due to my new classmates messaging me. So if you want to contact me just ask me for my usernames sometime next week as I shall be online for the prior reason.
Sorry for my long time of inactivity etc.
3 Years ago
When the night is falling
And you have lost your way
When the rain is storming
And your world's turned to gray
When the wolves await outside
And you feel like you've nowhere to hide

Oh, don't you worry, just remember
Remember when I said
Darling, close your weary eyes
Everything will be fine

Let the breeze wipe away your tears
There is no need to cry

You can lay down, no one will hurt you
Let your fears be carried by the streams
The twilight gleam watches over you
Let this lullaby guide your dreams
And when the morning rises
I shall be by your side

When the seedlings turn to trees
And bridges turn to dust
When the sun rays seem to freeze
And swords are covered by rust
When you wander in the wild
And your voice always seems to sigh..
4 Years ago
*when you write an essay in 1 hour minus and the teacher still says its good and commends you*
4 Years ago
I have a new fav song E V E R!!!
4 Years ago
How do i use the colour bb code?
4 Years ago
I have succesfully devised a seven layer compliment!
4 Years ago
Listening to a heatmelting song right now..
It is doing its purpose....
4 Years ago
Yas shadow mewtwo here!
4 Years ago
Me obsessing over a new series to ship because ive already read over 500 and dont have any more to read on my other series.
4 Years ago
4 Years ago
Me looking at gts for the first time in months and seeing people demand dragongems for events that are worth 5k and "3 to 5 dynamax crystals" for a pokemon worth 10k at best (like seriosly thats basicaly saying 90k to 150k)
4 Years ago
If i where to change my username what should i change it too? (Bear in mind i cant yet though😅)
4 Years ago
I have a terra cave map and a hollow space map, anyone want to buy them?
4 Years ago
Two poems have been added
There are another three still being edited i hope to add them in sometime later today i have time to finish them.
4 Years ago
So i wrote some unfinished poems last night.. (their probaly bad as i was very sleepy) and ima put them up on my profile in a sec, the phrasing in the poems will likely change as i root out mistakes and replace them.
4 Years ago
Stolen from so many people idek where it began

How would you rate my;
Personality 1-10
Mental health 1-10
Poaitivity 1-10
General -10
Other (specify) 1-10
4 Years ago

About Me

[center]♤Stewart (Call me Val or anyrhing else)♡Male◇Single as always♧Omnisexual
《》Lazy《》Expert-procrastinator《》Poet《》Tauros《》Chearful《》Lovecraftian-horror《》Slight Sadist《》Funny ig《》Sketch Artist《》Muscician《》Sometimes pianist《》Sparetime Chef(in training)《》Obsessed with philosophy《》Cat owner《》Other stuff-《》Anything more just ask me about《》Ragtime piano 《》

♤♡◇♧Loves card games♧◇♡♤

I fanboy.. and ship.. a lot.

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


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