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Steel Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 24

Trainerpoints: 373/1,751


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Deino404,700 / 6,151
Pinsir15568 / 901
Dragonite593,204 / 13,276
Timid381,611 / 5,559
Snom23123 / 1,657
Flygon544,868 / 9,159

About Me



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Newest gifts
Tobey 7 Years ago
Tobey 7 Years ago
Tobey 7 Years ago
Tobey 7 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Trikey hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #217915406
Registration: 09/03/2015 (9 Years ago)
Game Time: 114:14 Hours
Total interactions: 122,314
Money: 22,265
Starter Pokémon: Blastoise


It's finally Jojo-Friday <3
7 Years ago
Just found out, that I can't send Plushies to myself :(
I thought this was possible. Or was it removed?
7 Years ago
Well, after a year of inactivity here I'm back. I hope I won't be bored here again soon, like last time xD
7 Years ago
Update in my Thread!

Comments, Opinions and more are always welcome!
8 Years ago
Please help me hatch 3 of my eggs today, so I can open the second door!!!
And of course everybody who helps me will get their party clicked today!
8 Years ago
- Mapping <3
- More Mapping <3<3
- When my Game is runnig fine :D
8 Years ago
How can I evolve witch vulpix?
8 Years ago
Halloween Goals:
- All Special Halloweenmons(except for Shinys) and the first three items.
So 5320/16850 Candies. Got already the Items & Shuppet Egg.
8 Years ago
Someone wanna get "Trick or Threat"ed?
8 Years ago
Got a random megaable Charmander from the lab! *~*

And don't forget to spread the hashtag #HoohToTrikey and interact with my Party! :D
8 Years ago
A little push for my raffle. The Name of the raffle should be #HoohToTrikey

- Interact with my WHOLE Party to enter!
- You can post this raffle once per day, if you had interacted with my party.
- the raffle ends, when the ho-oh egg in my party hatched!

1st Prize: Enigma Pearl, Weather Balloon & Dragon Gem
2nd Prize: Gold Key, Dragon Gem und Spray Duck
3rd Prize: Spray Duck, Rare Candy & Dragon Gem
8 Years ago
Just got a Shiny Houndoom and a Winter Numel from Wondertrade <3<3<3
8 Years ago
I think I'm starting a little raffle.
The Name of the raffle should be #HoohToTrikey

- Interact with my WHOLE Party to enter!
- You can post this raffle once per day, if you had interacted with my party.
- the raffle ends, when the ho-oh egg in my party hatched!

1st Prize: Enigma Pearl, Weather Balloon & Dragon Gem
2nd Prize: Gold Key, Dragon Gem und Spray Duck
3rd Prize: Spray Duck, Rare Candy & Dragon Gem
8 Years ago
Ho-Oh egg!! Yeah!!
8 Years ago

You are training with Charmeleon for a while.

The Pokémon raised by 429 Exp. Points.

You have been rewarded with 10 Pokédollar!
8 Years ago
Which anime from the new season are you gonna watch?
I already have too many on my list. But the new Noragami Season, One Punch Man and Heavy Object will be definetly on my watchlist xD
8 Years ago
Interaction Exchange?
8 Years ago


Last Action
Storing Pokémon (3 Years ago)

Last Visitors

curiousangelFri, 26/Apr/2024, 04:38
PagesTue, 24/Oct/2023, 00:46
zonbi02Sun, 09/Apr/2023, 10:52
TobeyFri, 23/Sep/2022, 20:58
King-AeroTue, 24/Aug/2021, 19:22