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Trainerlevel: 72

Trainerpoints: 8,988/15,623


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Me, Myself & I
1,8083,957,755 / 12,265,021
Me, And Only Me
(Ho-Oh (Retro))
1,1572,877,075 / 5,024,274
Great Tusk7611,895 / 21,946

About Me

Blazing Combo~Toku Fan~007 Fan~AV Geek~Taken
"What If We Rewrite The Stars?
Say You Were Made To Be Mine
Nothing Could Keep Us Apart
You'd Be The One I Was Meant To Find
It's Up To You, And It's Up To Me
No One Can Say What We Get To Be
So Why Don't We Rewrite The Stars?
Maybe The World Could Be Ours, Tonight..."

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Professor Rowan 9 Days ago
SensGirl25 12 Days ago
MegaSteelixSupreme 19 Days ago
Tajador 20 Days ago


Tajador hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #479089143
Registration: 01/05/2016 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 4038:23 Hours
Total interactions: 2,903,345
Money: 1,439,412
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


[Tajador Rambles]

I was made aware that Inside Out 2 has surpassed Frozen 2 and The Super Mario Bros movie to become the second highest grossing animated film. I’m really proud of the film for making that achievement. I have some beef with the Mario movie, but it’s not for the reason you think: When the film came out, I expressed that I did not want to see the film because I didn’t have a connection to the Mario franchise, so it wouldn’t make any sense for me to see the film because I wouldn’t get all the references. I was dogpiled and everyone in a certain Discord server was hating on me because of it (I have since left that server). That really brought down my mood so Inside Out 2 surpassing the Mario film is a slap to the face to the people that threw me off a cliff.
Today, 13:50
I don’t know if I’ll be able to get Iron Treads before the quest ends next month… my client is going back to school next week which means my schedule is gonna be changed again. I’m gonna try and keep at it cuz it took me a while to get Great Tusk.
Yesterday, 02:36
Last night, I tried to open Pokémon Unite but the game was being weird due to an ongoing bug. I cleared the cache and guess how long it took for the game to redownload all the stuff? 2 HOURS. Why did it take that long? I have no idea, but I never dealt with anything like this, ever.
3 Days ago
By ThatCatKid

I know u do :3c

So basically just share this hashy w/ whole feed plz ---> #CatKidIsGivingAway800NugsForSomeReason

Also heart the feed <3

Ends when I get bored :V
4 Days ago
[Tajador’s Tips]

If you’re trying to knock out Sada’s and Turo’s quests and you have egg hatching quests, don’t release the newly hatched Pokémon! You will potentially get some level up and evolution quests so you can use those Pokémon and the quests will go by much quicker!
5 Days ago
Great! Thanks to you, I was able to collect enough Research Data.
Very interesting... Very interesting!

Here is your reward. Take good care of it!

Well, it wasn’t Shiny but that’s not a big deal. Now for Iron Treads!
5 Days ago
Pokémon Unite finally introduced Ho-Oh to the roster. I don’t have the Unite License for her yet, but I do plan on getting every Ho-Oh Holowear (because you gotta be fashionable when you’re battling). Obviously I am gonna budget. (I did buy some Aeos Gems earlier to cover the cost but I also used some earlier to get the Gardevoir Holowear I was missing)
7 Days ago
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this yesterday but the friend of mine with a long-distance GF are now apart again. She went home and they’re both understandably crushed. I’m not really sure when they’re going to meet each other in person again, but hopefully, the next time they do, they plan it out accordingly. Seriously, given the cost of everything nowadays, it’s gonna take them a while to save money. Especially since the both of them don’t have working jobs. My friend can’t get a job because he has a condition that prevents him from working, and I don’t think his GF has one yet. His girlfriend takes art commissions, but I don’t think that’s feasible enough to rack up costs for another trip.
8 Days ago
User: Tajador
Favorite Color: Blue!
Favorite Song: You’re Losing Me by Taylor Swift
Favorite Pokémon: Ho-Oh
Favorite Food: Tacos
PokeHeroes Bestfriend: I have too many to count!
PokeHeroes Goal: Get a Shiny Ho-Oh and spread some positive vibes!
9 Days ago
I just realized… in the anime, they have the data for a Pokemon even though the trainer hasn’t caught the Pokemon but in the games, you can’t pull up the Pokedex entry unless you catch the Pokemon.

15 Days ago
I really want to get some art of my OC, but I’ve noticed that there’s not many art shops on here that draw humans. I can’t exactly use real money for commissions because I have two pending commissions that I am gonna pay using real money. Not to mention, I don’t want to overspend before my next trip with Ryan.
21 Days ago
Genuine question here: Why do adults love Bluey? My client loves the show and I come to find out adults watch the show too: Is there something about it that clicks with you guys? The Internet has not provided me with good enough answers.
24 Days ago
Well… I got another update about my friend with the overseas GF. Remember how I said she was possibly going to be going home last Friday? Well, that was all a massive miscalculation: something ended up coming up and she’s not going to be going home until July 16th! They’ve been together in person for a little over a month and saying I am disappointed in them is a huge understatement. I know that when she leaves to go home it’ll hurt them emotionally but they really need to plan things out financially so they don’t end up in a situation like this!

Does anyone feel the same?
26 Days ago
[Tajador Rambles]

So one of my Discord friends met up with his girlfriend and apparently… they’re having trouble getting her home. He admitted to me that they didn’t plan this well enough and I felt so many red flags go off in my head, mainly because they didn’t take enough time to plan out their trip. It’s been nearly 3 weeks and she’s still with him (He lives in Europe and she lives in the US). I hope they find a way to get her home because I’m betting her family is getting worried.

Personally, I am not the biggest fan of how poorly planned their trip was only because Ryan and I usually take about 6ish months to fully plan things out for our trips. For context, we started planning for our upcoming trip in September a few weeks after we left Disney at the end of January. I don’t know if it’s wrong for me to be this concerned but like I said, I’m not exactly happy with the way they tackled this trip of theirs.
1 Month ago
RoxasNuggetsXIII and I were chatting on Discord and miraculously we came up with a new form for my OC! All that's left to do is to find someone to draw it! :3
1 Month ago
Can someone explain what Artfight is? It appears to have blown up here as well as in the many Discord servers I'm in.

I think I asked this question last year, but I do not remember what people said: I have the memory of a goldfish.
1 Month ago
[Tajador Vents]

Well, it’s official: My laptop is officially dead. I know I said I wasn’t going to turn on the thing but today I had no choice because I needed to use the cooling pad to cool off. The cooling pad basically doubles as a fan and that keeps my room cool during the summer. When I turned on my laptop, literally nothing with load and it took about 10 minutes for it to shut down. Waiting for September is taking a really long time and it is starting to aggravate me because using my iPad as my main device is a real struggle.
2 Months ago
Svenja has a giveaway for 500 Nuggets!
2 Months ago
[Tajador Rambles]

My cousin just got married and I’m a mixed bag right now: I’m happy for my cousin but I also feel zapped because of my cold and also a bit left out.

Continued in comments.
2 Months ago
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You've been a member on PokéHeroes for more than 8 Years now!

Oh. I forgot about this. I can't believe it's been that long.
2 Months ago


"We Travelled The World Together
All Across The Seven Seas.
We’ve Seen So Much With Each Other
As Long As It’s Just You And Me.
We Are Young!
We Are Strong!
We’re Traveling The World Of Our Fantasies!
We Are Here!
We Have Nothing To Fear!
We’re In The World Of Our Fantasies!
Just You And Me..."

Stronger Together 💙❤️️


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spiritwolfy13Yesterday, 02:33

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