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Trainerlevel: 32

Trainerpoints: 2,659/3,103


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Aipom22181 / 1,215
Purrloin12275 / 469
Zubat15595 / 721
Nidoran (f)1476 / 423
Dunsparce17825 / 919
Silicobra11396 / 397


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Newest gifts
Gojirath 1 Day ago
SpamtonGSpamton 2 Days ago
SpamtonGSpamton 4 Days ago
SpamtonGSpamton 4 Days ago

Website Goals

This year:
-Complete at least one region dex
-Collect every starter

In general:
-Get a shiny Meloetta
-Get a shiny Yveltal

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


SpamtonGSpamton hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #539802339
Registration: 27/08/2024 (7 Months ago)
Time Played: 143:59 Hours
Total interactions: 331,421
Money: 1,000,542
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


telling people "yeah I've just been going through a lot lately" like I haven't been in a constant state of "going through a lot" for the past 3 years
2 Days ago
I'm back in the Corn again
4 Days ago
let's go gambling!!!

You push the gold key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look into it curiously...

1x Shiny Stone found!

aw dangit 😔
9 Days ago
collected a gold key from my rumbles and then rolled the slots and immediately got a gold box🎉
9 Days ago
i have a decent amount of box/key sets but I'm not sure if i should open them or sell them (still trying to get to the 1 mil pd achievement, i have around 800k rn so I'm getting close)
12 Days ago
Couldn't sleep at all last night and then looked out the window up at the sky and saw A LUNAR ECLIPSE???????? I had NO IDEA that was happening

And I would've completely missed it if I'd went to bed at a reasonable time

I also (somehow) had WAY more motivation to get my work done than usual even though it was like. 2 am and I was experiencing About To Collapse levels of exhaustion so I brought my laptop outside to the patio so I could watch the eclipse while I worked and I managed to finally finish a project I'd been procrastinating on for a week
16 Days ago
doing today's wordle and i somehow forgot the word "chase" existed
17 Days ago
You currently have 1982 Golden Game Chips.
idk do you guys think I have enough chips
1 Month ago
finally got my shiny after a 178 chain, i think that's more than doubled from my last hunt 💀
1 Month ago
just saved up 5k festival points total from the last beauty contest and I've been really wanting a Meloetta for a while but I'm also considering saving up my points until I can get the shiny

on the one hand it's probably gonna be a long time until I manage to save up 50k but on the other hand. miku
1 Month ago
1 Month ago
GIVEAWAY (by$$ti83):
I have been very busy lately, so I am giving away all my items including PD, that would be 500k PD+many high valued Pokémon. I will still visit once in a while, maybe doing shiny hunt.
1 lucky winner will win it all!!

1. repost the entire message
2. have at least 20 hours of playtime
3. heart this post

1 Month ago
awful temperature regulation strikes again (too cold for just a tank top, too hot for anything warmer than a tank top)
1 Month ago
is there anything that affects how many sweet hearts you get from interactions (like feeding berries having a higher chance of giving them or giving more of them) or is it completely random every time?
1 Month ago
anyone want to exchange the limited petilil plushie with me?
(you buy it for me and i'll buy it for you)
1 Month ago
opened a gold box and all i got was 11 berries 😔
2 Months ago
bwahhhh 🎺🎺🎺🎺
2 Months ago
to keep going
3 Months ago
Trying to save up my dragon gems but I keep trading them for lake trios I have 4 at this point why do I keep doing this
3 Months ago
Today I somehow managed to make my phone completely disappear simply by picking up something else without paying attention to what I was doing with it
I was able to find it pretty quickly but that was still a pretty concerning experience
3 Months ago

bug interaction

cool stuff



Last Action
Viewing an auction (2 Days ago)

Last Visitors

Unlucky-boxerToday, 09:16
Shadig1377Sat, 29/Mar/2025, 15:25
Xtreme_legendsSat, 29/Mar/2025, 12:25
KARUbinSat, 29/Mar/2025, 04:44
JohnSnowSat, 29/Mar/2025, 03:31