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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
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Trainerlevel: 57

Trainerpoints: 7,307/9,803


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Sniper 33OS
(Giga Inteleon)
1,5252,802,287 / 8,332,076
3,43227,755,787 / 28,276,935
(Mega Gardevoir)
592896,629 / 1,316,461
(Mega Gardevoir)
614598,361 / 1,416,039
Mega Steelix
847,012 / 21,421
(Mega Mawile)
1,8033,086,574 / 7,806,270


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About SMG

Hello! I'm Shiny Mega Gardevoir! You Can Call Me SMG for Short (shinymegagardevoir really is a long name @-@)

As you can see from my name, I love shiny mega gardevoir! <3

Meet my SM Gardevoir Gina!

She is hatched by NekoScrub Thank you so much for completing my goal in Ph! <3

I also love Nuggies, Pd ,gems, and plushies! <3 (like all users I guess :P

So Feel 1200% free to gift me them! :DD (Here's the link to gift xD)

Future Hunts?
Shiny Basculin (Red)
Shiny Sawk
SM Turtle
Shiny Sawsbuck (Autumn)
Shiny Floette
Shiny Barbaracle
Shiny Avalugg

Avitar by Geabril1012! TYSM :D

💕 Send Me One of These 💕

💕Always happy to receive plushies :D💕

Shiny Collecter SMG 030

I'm Buying Cheap Shinies! Below 10k Pd

Shiny Gyarados for 3k-5k pd, just send a Pt :D



Game Records

Trainer ID: #268690871
Registration: 20/10/2019 (4 Years ago)
Game Time: 1061:40 Hours
Total interactions: 2,762,478
Money: 9,142,554
Starter Pokémon: Swampert


1 Year ago
Interaction Exchange? :D
1 Year ago
By GTS - 12 Seconds ago.
Item Market - Search Filter:
A new item trade has been posted that matches your filter!

200x Nugget are currently available for 1,650 per piece!

→ Go to offer

You bought 200x Nugget for 330,000 PokéDollar.


1 Year ago
My PD Amount ❤❤❤
1 Year ago

Damn 2 SMs as a prize?! @-@
1 Year ago
1 Year ago
1 Year ago
1 Year ago
1 Year ago

97 and 95 please! If I can only choose one, then 97
1 Year ago
By ShinyMegaGardevoir - 2 Seconds ago.
You received a Plushie from ShinyMegaGardevoir!

Emera Fountain

→ Your Collection
By Professor Rowan - 8 Seconds ago.
You received a Plushie from Professor Rowan!


→ Your Collection

Damn what's this luck??? Is ph welcoming back after I'm gone for 1 day? xD
1 Year ago
LF FEMALE Solar Eevee orz
1 Year ago
1 Year ago
Buying Glastrier or Spectrier! Pp me
1 Year ago

💕 Collecting Karps! 💕

Road to 10k Karps

I'm Collecting 10k Karp and 100 Shiny Karp Plushies! Plz Help me Achieve My Goal! :D

1622/10000 Collected

18/100 Collected

Click ME to Send!

Rare Pokemon uwu

Shiny Event Legendary:

Highest Level:

First Shiny:

Shiny Legends:

Shiny Diancies 57th to 61th On Site:


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
-anonzellia- 1 Year ago
-anonzellia- 1 Year ago
-anonzellia- 1 Year ago
-anonzellia- 1 Year ago

Shiny Hunt

ShinyMegaGardevoir is currently hunting Sableye.
Hunt started: 24/07/2022

Chain: 57
1 0 0

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Visit Me On

Hangman Helper~
Please Subscribe!!!~Thank You:D
Easter And Hoopa Helper
Secret Easter!!!
My Shiny Shop :D
Train Everyone's Pokes :D
Treasure Hunt Dairy
Bag Value
GGC Dairy

If You Think This Is Useful, Please Send Me A Plushie :D

Halloween Send Plushie List:
tristan999 1000 Umbreons (plz stay until then! :3)


Last Visitors

ShinyZataYesterday, 07:09
vkaiWed, 24/Jul/2024, 04:13
simbaTue, 23/Jul/2024, 13:30
NymphrasisMon, 22/Jul/2024, 02:54
SoulStarSat, 20/Jul/2024, 00:05